Citizens, council commit to saving cabin


By LPR Staff

Members of the Caldwell County Historic Commission have taken seriously a threat by the Lockhart City Council to demolish the historic Brock Cabin.

Last year, the council started to eye the fate of the cabin, which has become both an eyesore and a danger in Lions Park after years of neglect. After they voted to give the

cabin a 90-day reprieve to allow interested members of the community to step up to the plate and help save the cabin, commission members responded in force during Tuesday evening’s regular City Council Meeting.

“We believe [restoring the cabin and moving it to another location] would increase historic tourism in Lockhart,” said Ronda Reagan, the chairperson of the committee spearheading the effort to save the cabin. “And people that do that kind of tourism stay longer in towns and spend more money.” 

Reagan said historic tourism accounts for around 16 percent of all tourism dollars spent in Texas.

She also assured the council the group is committed to and passionate about the project, and will hold fundraisers and solicit volunteers and in-kind contributions to help move and restore the cabin.

Councilmember Kenny Roland, who represents District One, where the cabin is currently located, renewed his concern that the cabin, in its present condition, is a danger to Lions Park visitors, and reminded the council original discussions over the cabin’s fate centered on the City’s potential liability if someone were hurt in the cabin.

Additionally, Mayor Pro Tem Frank Estrada and Councilmember Paul Gomez expressed concerns that the “cabin project” would fall by the wayside again.

At the end of a lengthy discussion, the council voted unanimously to allow the committee more time, and asked them to work with City Manager Vance Rodgers to determine the best method of moving the cabin to another location where it can be stored until a more permanent plan can be made.

In brief news:
Rodgers presented information about the construction of utility conduits under the right of way for State Highway 130. The conduits are expected to cost the City of Lockhart upwards of $1.9 million, but will allow for utility service to be expanded to the other side of the highway once construction is complete.

The council agreed to make changes to the ordinances allowing the city to enforce lawn maintenance.

They repealed an ordinance which allows the city to collect taxes on goods and personal property that is stored in Lockhart for shipping out of state.

The council voted to allow a waiver of trash service fees for certain seasonal businesses which are closed for six months or more, but still require other utility service.

The Lockhart City Council meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Glosserman Conference Room of Lockhart City Hall. The meetings are open to the public and televised on Time Warner Cable Channel 10.


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