From the Sidelines – We got spirit, yes we do. We got spirit, how about you?


With the district opener just around the corner, (actually, a day away), it is worth mentioning that before our mini break from football, the Lockhart community had really gotten behind the teams and had been showing a great amount of enthusiasm for the Lions and their winning season.
A renewed sense of pride and spirit filled the air and the stands at the football gam

es. Lion Pride was everywhere. Flags and banners adorned the stands at Lion Field and Lion fans wore maroon and white shirts proudly as they cheered the Lions on from one victory to the other. Remember that?
Well, it is time to get back on that horse again and charge ahead. The Lions will need all the encouragement they can get from their fans, friends and family after their first and only loss of the season two weeks ago.
After winning four games in a row, the Lions fell to the Gregory-Portland, but not without a fight. They held their own and more importantly, so did the faithful Lion fans.
The renewed spirit has been spreading to places outside of Lion Field. “Go Lions” posters and signs have been placed in front of yards and homes all around town.
Giant flags and banners have been strategically placed in front of local businesses and the biggest difference of all, people are genuinely happy about being Lion fans.
It is not just the folks with children at Lockhart High School that have been attending the football games. It is not just the mothers and fathers of the football players making all the noise at the games. It is not just LHS students and their siblings filling the stands with wild enthusiasm. It is a lot of new fans with new hopes for a new team.
The Lions are on a roll and have been from the beginning of the season. With the exception of their loss to Gregory-Portland, they have come a long way from where they were a year ago.
This is just a friendly reminder to keep up the good work of cheering for the home team. The Lions have five games to play and they will need every fan out their pulling their weight. This is no time to relax, folks. Now, get out there and give them all you’ve got. Go Lions!
See you at the games.


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