Here at the House – Proposition 6 will protect the right to hunt and fish


By Rep. John Cyrier


Hunting and fishing are fundamental rights for every American. Unfortunately, hunting and fishing have come under attack in recent years by some left-wing organizations. That is why it is important to pass Proposition 6 in an upcoming Nov. 3 election to make hunting and fishing legally protected rights under the Texas C


Our Texas heritage is rich with the sporting traditions of hunting and fishing, effectively managing wildlife, and conserving our cherished piece of God’s creation called Texas. These traditions and values are shared and passed on from parents and grandparents to their children and grandchildren.

Can you imagine an America in which we no longer have the legal right to hunt and fish?

Consider the comments from opponents of hunting and fishing. According to one anti-hunting organization: “Our opponents say hunting is a tradition. We say traditions can change.” The same organization states, “If we could shut down all sport hunting in a moment, we would.”

Another anti-hunting organization petitioned a major state university to disband the school’s fishing club, writing that “fishing is a blood sport” and the university “should not exploit itself to cruelty to animals.”

Because of the attacks against hunting and fishing, I co-authored House Joint Resolution 61 in the Texas House to propose an amendment the Texas Constitution to safeguard these cherished rights. We have the opportunity to pass this amendment by voting for Proposition 6 on Nov. 3.

The proposed amendment reads: “The people have the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife, including by the use of traditional methods, subject to laws or regulations to conserve and manage wildlife and preserve the future of hunting and fishing.”

Many leading organizations have endorsed this amendment, including the National Rifle Association, Texas State Rifle Association, Texas Wildlife Association, Deer Breeders Association, Texas Outdoor Partners, and others.

By passing Proposition 6, we will institute new constitutional protection for an important part of our cultural heritage as Texans. We will also protect a major Texas industry. According to the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, hunting and fishing pump more than $4 billion into the Texas economy and support more than 65,000 jobs.

I consider living in Texas to be a great honor. The freedom, prosperity, opportunity, cultural heritage and natural beauty that we enjoy are blessings. Protecting and passing them on to future generations is our responsibility. That is why I will be voting for Proposition 6.


Rep. John Cyrier is serving his first term as State Representative for District 17. You can reach him at his capitol office or district office in downtown Bastrop at (512) 463-0682, or email


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