Candidates report on fundraising, spending


By LPR Staff

As the Nov. 2, 2010, election draws near, candidates are turning up the heat in their final push to win their respective races. In many instances, that final push requires spending. This year, candidates vying for office in Caldwell County seem to have spared no expense to achieve their goals.

Leading the way in campaig

n fundraising, as well as in spending, is John Cyrier, the Republican nominee for Caldwell County Commissioner, Precinct One.

According to reports filed on Monday, Cyrier has raised $8,600 in support of his campaign. The bulk of those contributions came from donors outside Caldwell County, with individuals in Kerrville and Austin donating $1,000 each to Cyrier’s race, and a couple from Westlake Hills offering up another $2,400. The Caldwell County Republican Party has also chipped in, donating $800 to the campaign.

Of those donations, Cyrier reported having spent $3,913.72, mostly on promotion. He paid $2,684.60 to Austin’s Building Image Group, Inc., a sign specialist. He also reported $519.12 paid to Federal Express for printing, and $475 in local advertising.

Richard Mendez, the Democratic Party pick for Precinct One Commissioner has raised $2,150 in campaign contributions, and spent $1,444.46.

Mendez reported small cash donations to his campaign, as well as a donation of $2,000 from himself. The bulk of his spending, as well, as been for promotion, with $799.69 being spent locally at Printing Solutions for handouts, and another $252.33 at LasR signs for signage. Mendez also spent $187.25 online, with a company called

The only countywide race, that for Caldwell County Judge, has generated somewhat less fundraising and spending, but still reflects the candidates’ fiscal commitment to seeking office.

Democratic nominee Morris Alexander reported only $800 in contributions, while showing $2,000 in loans from himself to the campaign. Throughout the primary season, as well, Alexander financed most of his campaign through personal loans to his campaign. As of Sept. 30, he reported having spent $1,858.08 on the campaign trail.

Alexander’s spending was largely dedicated to signs. He reported a total of $938.08 in expenses to LasR Signs in Lockhart, and another $170 on local advertising. He also paid $375 to Scene Marketing for advertising at a local movie theater, and made a donation of $250 to the McMahan Volunteer Fire Department.

Republican hopeful Tom Bonn has thus far outgunned Alexander both in fundraising and spending. His financial reports show $6,474 in fundraising and $2,455.70 in spending.

Bonn received a $2,000 nod from the Caldwell County Republican Party, and $1,000 from an individual donor in the Luling area. He noted dozens of donations of $100 or less.

Most of Bonn’s reported expenses are geared toward events. He showed a series of smaller expenditures at a variety of restaurants and gathering places throughout Caldwell County. He also spent $375 with Scene Marketing, $633.79 on signs, and $220 on local advertising.

In the race for Precinct 4 County Commissioner, Republican nominee Grant Rostig reported raising $1,091.28 in contributions, while spending $961.70. Setting him apart from most of his contemporaries, Rostig showed several donations not as monetary contributions, but rather in-kind contributions of equipment and materials. His donation pool came from several donors making small donations.

Most of his spending, $791.31, was reported as being to Dirt Cheap Signs in Lago Vista for campaign signs. He also noted expenditures for local advertising.

As of Wednesday morning, incumbent Precinct 4 Commissioner Joe I. Roland, who is running to keep his seat, did not have a campaign spending report on file.

Precinct One Justice of the Peace nominee Bernie Rangel (D) did not report any fundraising activity. He did, however, note spending of $1,023.62. The bulk of that spending was for signage at LasR signs, amounting to $788.86.

Republican opponent Matt Kiely noted contributions only from his party, with $800 having been donated by the Caldwell County Republican Party, and another $500 from the Republican Party of Texas. Kiely spent $866.01, mostly with Hardeman Signs ($601.13).

Justice, Precinct Three Republican nominee Alfonso Campos reported $1,929 in campaign contributions, and $1,698.43 in spending. Like Kiely, he received $800 from the Caldwell County Republican Party. The rest of his fundraising, though, was from private donors. Campos showed a variety of small expenditures, and spent $380 on local advertising.

Seated Precinct Three Justice of the Peace Mary Alice Llanas, who is running for re-election, did not have a report on file on Wednesday morning.

All candidate spending reports are matters of public record, and are available for review at the Caldwell County Clerk’s Office, on the first floor of the Caldwell County Courthouse.

Under law, the candidates must disclose their fundraising and spending periodically throughout the election process. The next set of reports, the “Seven Day Reports,” are due to be filed on or before Oct. 26, 2010, seven days before the election. Look for information on the Seven Day Reports in the Oct. 28, 2010, edition of the Post-Register.


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