City may destroy Brock Cabin


‘Inherited problem’ causes safety concerns

By LPR Staff

A piece of Caldwell County history may soon be removed from Lion’s Park on Highway 183.

After years of deliberations regarding possible uses, rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Brock Cabin, the Lockhart City Council decided on Tuesday evening that the cabin w

ill likely be removed from Lion’s Park.

The cabin, according to a report presented by District 1 Councilmember Kenny Roland, is in such disrepair that it causes a safety hazard to Lockhart residents, and should be disposed of.

“Sandra Mauldin and I have talked to the folks down in Gonzales, and they might be interested in salvaging some of the timbers, but the structure itself just isn’t safe anymore,” Roland said. He noted distress in each the roof, the walls and the floor that make the cabin unsafe to rehabilitate or use. “We might be able to get it down to use some of the lumber, but some of it isn’t sound enough to carry weight, and it would be very tricky to get in there and repair it or tear it down.”

Mayor Pro Tem Frank James “Jimmy” Bertram, agreed the time had come to do something about the Brock Cabin.

“The [Brock] family was through here about four years ago, and while they are interested in having someone else do something with it, they aren’t interested in paying for any restoration or for moving the cabin,” he said.

The Brock Cabin was moved to Lion’s Park several years ago from its original location in rural Caldwell County near Boggy Creek. Apart from it’s historical nature, the structure has no connection with Lockhart history, and through years of neglect and disrepair has become what Councilmember Paul Gomez referred to as an “inherited problem.”

“I don’t think the building itself is worth us messing with any more,” Gomez said. “If someone gets close to it and it falls down, which it might, then the city has the liability for that, so we need to find some way to get rid of it.”
That method may be the demolition of the cabin.

After a brief discussion, the council instructed City Manager Vance Rodgers and other members of the city staff to meet with the Lockhart Historical Preservation Commission, the Caldwell County Historical Society and members of the Brock family to determine whether any other group is interested in taking the lead, both physically and financially, in the restoration of the cabin. Failing a positive response from any of those groups, the cabin will be demolished so the space in the park can be used for other purposes.

In other business, the council briefly discussed a series of projects submitted for consideration as a bond project during the next fiscal year. At Rodgers’ request, the discussion was tabled pending further investigation of the need and feasibility of some of the projects, including additional fire apparatus and another fire station.

In brief Council news:
The council reviewed a contract with Caldwell County regarding the cost of housing inmates in the Caldwell County Jail.

They signed an initiative requesting consideration of a route for high-power transmission lines through Caldwell County.

The city vacated an undeveloped alley bordered by properties on Flores, Laredo, Juan and East Navarro Streets.
The council approved applications for two grants, one to the Office of Rural Community Affairs for a Texas Community Block Development Grant and one to the GO TEXAN Rural Community Bootstrap Bucks program.

The Lockhart City Council meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Glosserman Room at Lockhart City Hall. The meetings are open to the public and the public is encouraged to attend.


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