Lockhart resident produces ‘cool’ donation


By Wesley Gardner
LPR Editor

The Joe Roland Community Center is used to receiving donations to support the center’s operations, food bank and The St. John Colony School Museum, but one Lockhart resident recently went above and beyond to help. 
According to Camille Doggett, who serves as second vice president of the community center, the nonprofit’s food bank was in dire need of a refrigerator to help store perishable items.
That’s when Sallie Ann Satagaj stepped in. Satagaj’s no stranger to helping out food banks. She’s been donating to Feeding American and the Central Texas food bank for years. When she saw the Joe Roland Community Center acted as a food bank, in addition to being community center, she decided to help.
“I called Josephine [at the community center] to give her a donation, and the very first words out of her mouth were ‘Do you know anyone who has an extra refrigerator? We really need a refrigerator to help store some of our perishables,’” said Satagaj. “I thought, oh my God, I really need to see what I can do to get her a refrigerator, as well as a donation.”
Satagaj started to call local department stores and home centers to see if any would be willing to donate a fridge but found little luck.
“I called some people, but I couldn’t get a hold of them, because their hours were reduced or they were busy,” said Satagaj. “Some of them said, ‘Well, we could knock $100 off the regular price’ and things like that.”
Eventually she reached out to Home Depot in Kyle and got into contact with store Supervisor Vanessa Richey, who told her she would love to help.
Richey was able to coordinate the donation of a $1,200 refrigerator to the community center that was delivered two weeks ago.
“We were happy to help,” said Richey. “We help out a lot usually with team depot events. We do a lot of veteran projects, but these are kind of the occasional one-offs that we help out with when we can.”
Richey noted her role in the donation was minimal compared to Satagaj’s.
“I’m glad she [called],” said Richey. “That was incredible – community getting involved, you know?”
Satagaj said she was just happy to be able to help the community center’s mission of creating a place to gather and providing food to residents in need.
“They do so much good work,” said Satagaj. “Joe’s heart is made of gold.”
“This is the kind of thing we really need – some good news.”
Those interested in donating can contact the community center at 512-565-2854.


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