Effective February 1, 2024
Retail & Classified Display Advertising
Full Circulation Rate Open Rate $12.50

Website banner ads starting at $200 per month. Call 512-398-4886 for details.

All Full Circulation rates include publication in both the Post-Register & Caldwell County Guardian. Invoices are issued the last Thursday of each month and are due upon receipt. Overdue accounts will be charged 1.5 percent late charges each month. All charges must be paid each month in order to maintain credit privileges.

Ad SizeFull Circulation Rate 
1- 9 inches$12.50 
10- 19 inches$11.50 
20-50 inches$10.75 
51-126 inches$9.50 



Full Circulation: 12,810

Process Color: Full Page $250, ½ page $175, ¼ page $100.

Inserts: Rates & Quantity on Request

Classified Word Ads

Times RunPer WordMinimum WordsMinimum Cost/Week
1 Week36 Cents25$9.00 per week
2 Weeks34 Cents25$8.50 per week

* Rates are consecutive insertions only


Classifieds5 p.m.Monday
Retail10 a.m.Tuesday
Inserts9 a.m.Monday

Mechanical Specifications

Page Size: 6 Columns by 21 Inches

Column Width in Inches

1 Col.2 Col.3 Col.4 Col.5 Col.6 Col.

General Information:

  1. 1. Advertisements of 20 inches or more in height will be charged at 21 inches.
  2. 2. One inch is the minimum charge.
  3. 3. A 25% surcharge for guaranteed positioning of ads, minimum of quarter page or larger. Position for color ads take priority over others. Guaranteed positions will be restricted insofar as it conflicts with rules or make-up or previous space commitments.
  4. 4. In cases where newspaper follows original copy and layout, and radical changes are made on proofs, a mechanical charge of $1 per column inch will be made for extra composition room service. A mechanical charge of $1 per column inch will likewise be made for ads which have been set and are killed.
  5. 5. Double truck advertising must be full depth of column by 13 column wide. The center or gutter space counting as a full column.
  6. 6. The Lockhart Post-Register reserves the right to revise or reject any advertising not consistent with established policies.
  7. 7. The Lockhart Post-Register is not responsible for errors in copy beyond the value of space occupied by such errors; nor for the omission of advertising.
Dana GarrettTerri Garrett
PublisherBusiness Manager
Patty RodriguezKyle Mooty
Office ManagerEditor