Counselor sounds off about Brooks


Dear Editor:
I am still deeply saddened by the release of LJHS principal, Susan Brooks, by the LISD School Board. I have read several letters to the editor from teachers, students and parents from the Jr. High and know my comments will not be newly expressed.
Ms. Brooks has been an invaluable asset to the community of Lockhart, the community of education, and mos

t importantly to the students. As some LJHS teachers have pointed out in previous editorial letters, every decision she made had this question as the litmus test, “What”s best for the kids?”
The facts speak for themselves as to her successful leadership of LJHS. It has won Recognized ratings from TEA, the National Blue Ribbon School Award from the U.S. Department of Education, and the Education Trust Dispelling the Myth Award.
Being a counselor at LJHS, I have seen children who moved to LISD because of the school”s reputation. I have also talked to parents who were disappointed at the prospects of moving since it would mean their children attending a different school.
I urge more people to speak up. I know there are more parents, students, colleagues, and community members out there who are appreciative of Ms. Brooks and her work. And, as some have noted in previous editorials, we are fortunate that we live in a country where we CAN speak up.
I have since questioned the actions of the LISD school board and feel unsafe in my job. I feel, like others, that if the school board could so easily release Ms. Brooks, such a successful leader, over reasons that still seem questionable at best, then I better watch out.
Since I have been working in Lockhart ISD, I have seen some of the most hard-working, caring, and effective teachers and staff devoted to the students and this community. It makes me sad that these employees and this community have a school board that could so easily make such questionable decisions with profound effects.
Amy Carroll


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