Letter – Reader blasts board critics


To the Editor:

Members of my family have been residents of Lockhart since the 1800’s. We endured its abhorrent era of ethnocentricity. In recent years it appeared Lockhart had at long last progressed to judge individuals based on their abilities and character, not just by the color of their skin.

As a former resident and Lockhart High School (LHS) graduate I

am embarrassed and disappointed by recent actions of a certain group of ethnocentric citizens. I would be remiss if I did not address their narrow-mindedness.

School board minutes record that a school board member recommended and the board approved renaming Lockhart Lion’s Field for a man who lived in Lockhart for a few years, played football, served in the military in the contiguous United States reaching the rank of brigadier general. Renaming of the field did not provoke widespread protests. A special board meeting was not called to void the honor bestowed on the gentleman. He does not live in Lockhart, nor has he returned to Lockhart to serve the community. Yet, he was majestically honored with a ceremony attended by many.

On Aug. 18, 2008, the LISD School Board honored a decorated Korea and Vietnam war veteran who, upon his military retirement, returned home to serve his community in his inimitable, honorable and empathetic manner. Some opposed to the board’s action quickly organized and demanded a meeting where “… renaming of LHS campus was revisited…”
Following ambiguous complaints from the opposition, the Board rescinded its vote of Aug. 18.

I don’t believe Mr. Cisneros asked for any of this, nor does he need it. He IS a hero; he IS a proven leader; he IS a role model. His valor and courage on the battlefield are immeasurable. As school board member, mayor, and justice of the peace, his unmatched sense of justice and fairness to all are without equal.
To those opposed to the renaming part of LHS for Mr. Cisneros, I say, “Stop hiding behind disguised objections. Call it what it is: Prejudice.”

It is shameful that in the 21st century naming one part of Lockhart High School’s terra firma for a white man is acceptable, but naming another part for an American of Mexican descent is not.

DC Hernandez
San Antonio


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