
LISD considers student placement


Elementary school reorganization and the Discipline Management Center remain the top issues facing the Lockhart Independent School District (LISD) Board of Trustees.
In preparation for the opening of Bluebonnet Elementary next fall, LISD will soon send letters asking parents whether they prefer to have their children moved to the new campus, or remain at their current

elementary school. However, to maintain diversity within campus populations, the district may not be able to honor all requests.
As the school”s opening draws near, the district will finalize plans for reorganization of the five elementary campuses.
The Discipline Management Center (DMC, formerly Delta) is making plans to increase the effectiveness and productivity of the center.
Soon, the DMC will have a website up and running so that both students and the community will have access to information about the alternative campus”s programs. The hope is that if students are familiar with DMC policies, they will try harder to keep from being assigned to the campus.
Further, because the board added a number of new teachers to the DMC and the student population is growing, the staff asked the board to consider the purchase of portable buildings, so the campus can expand into the four necessary classrooms.
One of the chief complaints about the DMC has been that students are not receiving their class work from their teachers. The staff at the DMC has initiated a plan to track when the work comes in, for which student and from which teachers. They will begin using the tracking system after the holiday break, and should be able to tell quickly which teachers and campuses are having trouble complying with the standard procedures.
In other news, the board decided to upgrade the nursing position at Lockhart High School.
Presently, the available position is for an LVN, but staff recently requested that the position be changed to an RN position. Among other reasons, the medical needs of the students at the high school can be complicated, and in the past only one RN has been employed by the district.
The upgrade position will cost the district more than twice what they have been paying in salary.
In brief board news:
They approved the employment of three new staff members and reassignment of two others.
An outside firm from Conroe, Texas will perform a manpower study in early 2005.
The board approved creating a position for a truancy officer.


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