JV Lions win one, lose two at Seguin tournament


By Alonzo Garza

The Junior Varsity Lions participated in the Seguin Matador Classic Tournament over the weekend. The tournament began on Thursday, Nov. 29 and ended on Saturday, Dec. 1.
The first game was on Thursday, against Smithson Valley and it ended in a 73-41 loss for the Lions. The second game, against Lehman, ended in a 60-40 win. The

third and final game for the Lions was against Steele and it ended in a second loss with a final score of 70-34.
The Lions lost their first game, against Smithson Valley, in the first half of the game.
The Rangers took to the court with a definite purpose – to out score the Lions. They did so 16-6 in the first quarter and 16-7 in the second quarter. The first half ended at 32-13.
Scoring in the first quarter for the Lions were Brian Martinez, Trent Albert and Greg McAfee each with a two-point shot. Scoring in the second quarter were Sergio Juarez with a pair of two-pointers and Octavio Terrazas with a three-pointer.
After the halftime break, the Lions charged onto the court with determination and drive. The third quarter was evenly matched, with the Lions scoring 12 points and the Rangers scoring 14. Scoring in the third came from Adam Renteria with a two-pointer and two free throws. Ricky Rodriguez, Karl Grieger, Terrazas and Juarez all scored one two-pointer in the third.
The fourth quarter was the highest-scoring quarter for the Lions, who put 16 points on the board. Unfortunately, it was also the highest-scoring quarter for the Rangers, who added a total of 24 points to their score, for a final game score of 73-41.
Scoring in the fourth for the Lions were Juarez with a two-pointer, Rodriguez with a two-pointer and a three-pointer, McAfee and Grieger each with a two-pointer, Dustin Watkins with a two-pointer and Joseph Gonzales with a three-pointer.
The Lions had an easier time during their second game in the tournament. They outscored the Lehman Lobos during all four quarters. The Lobos tried to keep up during the first quarter, but the game got away from them during the second and third quarter. The closest quarter was the fourth when the Lions outscored the Lobos by only two points.
Scoring in the first quarter was close. The Lions scored 13 points and allowed the Lobos to score 10. Doing most of the scoring for the Lions in the first was Rodriguez, with one three-pointer and two two-pointers for a total of seven points. The other six points came from three separate two-pointers by Juarez, Terrazas and Gonzales.
The Lions scored 15 points in the second quarter while the Lobos scored just nine points, making it the lowest scoring quarter for Lehman. Terrazas scored five points with a three-pointer and a two-pointer. Greiger made a pair of two-pointers. Juarez, Renteria and Watkins each made a two-point shot. The first half ended at 28-19.
The third quarter was the highest scoring quarter for the Lions, with a total of 19 points. The Lobos added 10 points to their score. All of the third quarter’s scoring for the Lions came from Terrazas and Gonzales. Terrazas made four shots for a total of 10 points with two three-pointers and two two-pointers. Gonzales connected three times with three-pointers for the remaining nine points. The score at the end of the third was 47-29.
The Lions ended the fourth quarter and the Lehman game the way they started. They scored 13 points and allowed Lehman to earn their highest scoring quarter with 11 points. Wrapping up the scoring for the Lions were Renteria with three two-pointers and a free throw for a total of seven points. The remaining six points came from two-point shots by Rodriguez, McAfee and Grieger. The game ended with a nice round final score of 60-40.
The third and final game for the Lions was against the Steele Knights and it ended in a tough loss. The Knights took no prisoners as they jousted their way across the court to deliver a devastating blow and a 70-34 loss to the bewildered Lions.
The first quarter set the tone and the pace for the game as the Knights thwarted all attempts by the Lions allowing only four points in the quarter while plowing through the Lion defense enough to score 15 points. The four Lion points came from two-pointers by Juarez and Renteria.
The Lions improved their game in the second quarter, scoring 12 points. Steele also improved their game, earning 21 additional points for a halftime score of 36-16. Scoring for the Lions were Renteria, McAfee, Terrazas and Watkins. Renteria and McAfee scored a pair of two-pointers each. Terrazas and Watkins each made one two-pointer.
The Knights ruled over the third and fourth quarters, allowing only a total of 18 points. Steele, on the other hand, added 16 points in the third and 18 points to their score in the fourth. The game ended 70-34.
Scoring in the second half of the game were Rodriguez with three two-pointer in the third and a free throw in the fourth, Terrazas with a three-pointer and a two-pointer in the fourth, McAfee with a two-pointer and a free throw in the fourth, Watkins with two free throws in the third and Gonzales with a free throw in the third.
Congratulations to the JV Lions and coach Mark Brown for showing up and doing their best. Thanks for sharing your progress with your diehard fans. Keep up the good work.
See you at the game.


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