June 21, 2012 – Legal Notices: Lockhart and Caldwell County (Texas)


June 21, 2012







DATED JUNE 11, 2012

and issued pursuant to judgment decree(s) of the District Court of Caldwell County, Texas, by the Clerk of said Court on said date, in the hereinafter numbered and styled su

it(s) and to me directed and delivered as Sheriff or Constable of said County, I have on June 11, 2012, seized, levied upon, and will, on the first Tuesday in July, 2012, the same being the 3rd day of said month, at the San Antonio Street Door of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of Lockhart , Texas, between the hours  of 10 o”clock a.m. and 4 o”clock p.m. on said day  10:00 AM, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder all the right, title, and interest of the defendants in such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants, the same

lying and being situated in the County of Caldwell and the State of Texas, to-wit:


09-T-8453, Account No(s). 40744, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT VS. JOANN M. MILLER, ET AL, Personal  Property consisting of a 27″ X 56″ Redman Mobile Home, Serial #12330500A, Label #PFS0601942, Caldwell County, Texas, with an adjudged value of $37,680.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $6,033.00;

Sale Notes:

10-T-8629, Account No(s). 16640, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. OSEAS JOSUE SANCHEZ, Lot 8, Niederwald Estates, an addition to Caldwell County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof, recorded in Cabinet “A”, Slide 63,

Map Records of Caldwell County, Texas, with an adjudged value of $37,250.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $8,825.00;

Sale Notes:

11-T-8655, Account No(s). 39739, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. BRUCE EVERETT LATSON, Lot 1, Block “B”, Forister Ranch Subdivision, Section One, a subdivision in Caldwell County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof, recorded in Cabinet “A”, Slide 156, Plat Records of Caldwell County, Texas, with an adjudged value of $75,370.00, and an  Estimated minimum opening bid of $7,958.00;

Sale Notes:

11-T-8662, Account No(s). 48279, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. MONICA GUTIERREZ, ET AL, PERSONAL PROPERTY CONSISTING OF A MANUFACTURED HOME; ST JOHNS PLACE, LOT 2, ACRES 2.115, LABEL# NTA0810611 SN# SCH01982924, CALDWELL COUNTY, TEXAS, with an adjudged value of $53,660.00, and an Estimated  minimum opening bid of $3,483.00;

Sale Notes:

11-T-8664, Account No(s). 20123, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. ROMALDA RODRIGUEZ, ALSO KNOWN AS RAMALDA RODRIGUEZ, ET AL,  Lot 15, Block 1, Shuler Addition, an addition to the City of Lockhart, Caldwell  County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof, recorded in Volume 41, Page 396, Deed Records of Caldwell County, Texas, with  an adjudged value of $3,560.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $2,663.00;

Sale Notes:

11-T-8666, Account No(s). 74232(MC90436), CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. SYLVIA  HERNANDEZ, ET AL, PERSONAL PROPERTY CONSISTING OF A MOBILE HOME ONLY, LABEL #HWC0284437/38,  SERIAL #CSS001833TXA/TXB, TITLE #00301724, CALDWELL COUNTY, TEXAS, with an adjudged value of $60,430.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $2,589.00;

Sale Notes:

(any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Caldwell County, Texas, to which instruments  reference may be made for a more complete description of each respective tract.) or, upon the written request of said defendants or their attorney, a sufficient portion of the property described above shall be sold to satisfy said judgment(s), interest,

penalties, and cost; and any property sold shall be subject to the right of redemption of the defendants or any person having an interest therein, to redeem the said property, or their interest therein, within the time and in the manner provided by law, and shall be subject to any other and further rights to which the defendants or anyone interested therein may be entitled, under the provisions of law. Said sale to be made by me to satisfy the judgment(s) rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s), together with interest, penalties, and costs of suit, and the proceeds of said sales to be applied to the satisfaction thereof, and the remainder, if any, to be applied as the law directs.


Dated at Lockhart, Texas, June 11, 2012

Caldwell County, Texas



Sheriff Daniel Law



The Minimum Bid is the lesser of the amount awarded in the judgment plus interest and costs or the adjudged value. However, the Minimum Bid for a person owning an interest in the property or for a person who is a party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the property plus all costs of suit and sale.  ALL SALES SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT NOTICE.  THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL TAXES DUE ON THE PROPERTY WHICH HAVE BEEN ASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT.  For more information, contact your attorney or LINEBARGER  GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP., attorney for plaintiffs, at 5123985550X203


Bid Notice

The Lockhart Independent School District (LISD) is soliciting Requests for Proposals from qualified contractors for labor, materials and equipment for rehabilitations of the Navarro South driveway and parking lot. Approximate quantities include 3,800 SY of concrete pavement and 45 LF of 24″ RCP Storm sewer. Proposal and general specifications may be obtained at the TRC Engineers, Inc. at 505 E. Huntland Drive, Suite 250, Austin, Texas during normal business hours.  Proposal may be mailed to Lockhart ISD, P.O. Box 120, Lockhart, TX 78644 or hand delivered to Lockhart ISD at 105 S. Colorado, by 2 p.m., Monday, July 16, 2012.  Bids not received by this time and date will be rejected.


There will be a Pre-Proposal Conference held at the Lockhart ISD Administration Office at 105 S. Colorado Street, Lockhart, TX, 78644 on July 9, 2012 at 10:00 AM.  All interested vendors are encouraged to attend but this is not a mandatory conference.


Contractor must provide proof of general liability, automobile and worker”s compensation insurance naming the Lockhart ISD as an additional insured and 5% bid bond submitted with the bid and 100% performance and payment bond provided with the signed contract. Lockhart ISD reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.  No faxed or electronic proposals will be accepted.








The City of Lockhart is planning to apply to the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) for a grant under the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program (TxCDBG) – Texas Capital Fund “Downtown Revitalization.” As part of this Community Development application process, the City of Lockhart requests assistance from citizens in identifying community, housing, and economic development needs and selecting priorities.  A total of one public hearing will be held.


The public hearing will be held at City Hall, 308 West San Antonio, at 5:30 p.m., Lockhart, Texas 78644 on June 25, 2012. At this meeting the following items will be discussed:

• Locality/TxCDBG Citizen Participation Plan and Public Hearing Provisions

• All eligible activities under the Texas Capital Fund Program

• Estimated amount of funds for activities that will meet the National Objective of benefit to low/moderate income persons-Slum/Blight

• Level of TCF funding available

• Use of past TCF contract funds (if applicable)

• Identification of housing needs/community development and/or economic development needs

• Selection of priorities

• Submission of Views and Proposals

• Plans of the locality to minimize displacement of persons and to assist persons actually displaced as a result of activities assisted with TxCDBG funds (if applicable)


All interested parties, groups or individuals are encouraged to attend these public hearings and participate in the discussion of community development and housing needs and/or development of economic needs. Citizens of low to moderate income who are residents of slums and blighted areas are especially encouraged to participate. Citizens unable to attend this meeting are invited to submit their public views and proposals regarding the community development and housing needs and/or economic development needs any time between regular business hours to the City Hall, Office of the Mayor, no later than June 11, 2012.


A copy of the application will be available for review at the City Hall between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, after June 12, 2012.


Technical Assistance

The City will provide technical assistance to groups who represent persons of low and moderate income and/or who are residents of slum and blight areas in submitting their views and proposals regarding community development, housing and/or economic development needs and the use of TxCDBG funds.


Citizen Participation Plan & Public Hearing Provisions

The Citizen Participation Plan and Public Hearing Provisions are in compliance with the requirements of the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) TxCDBG program and are available for public inspection in accordance with Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6252-17a (as amended).


Complaint Procedure Guide

The City will utilize a Complaint Procedure Guide that complies with the requirements of the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Complaint System, 10 T.A.C. Section 1.11 and 1.13 (as amended).  A copy of the procedure guide will be available for review at City Hall.


Disabilities, Handicapped Accessibility & Non-English Speaking Residents

In accordance with the Americans Disabilities Act (ADA), “Individuals who require auxiliary aids and services for this meeting should contact City Hall, Office of the Mayor at (512)398-3461.  Arrangements have been made to accommodate the accessibility needs of handicapped persons and non-English speaking residents who attend the public hearing. Persons with disabilities who require Auxiliary Aids or services are asked to contact City Hall at least two (2) days prior to this hearing.


Records and Additional


All records will be made available to the public in accordance with Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6252-17a.  Any interested party requesting any special needs or desiring more information and/or technical assistance may contact City Hall, Office of the Mayor at (512)398-3461.


Attention: Private Non-Profit Schools

You may be eligible to participate in services through Federal Programs.

Please contact your local school district regarding participants in the planning and receipt of services through Federal Programs. We would like to hear from you no later than June 22, 2012.


Local School District Contact Information:

School District Name: LOCKHART ISD

School Contact Name: Linda Bertram

School Address: 105 S. Colorado

School Phone: 512/398-0012

School Fax: 512/398-0032

School e-mail:



Please contact us by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail as detailed above.


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