Candidates to speak at Dale election forum


By LPR Staff

Although the community might be buzzing with jokes about the number of candidates on the upcoming Primary ballots, this year”s election is no laughing matter, and the Dale Women”s Progressive Club is taking steps to remind the community just how serious things are.

The organization will host the first Candidate Forum fo

r the 2010 election season on Wednesday, Feb. 3, at the Dale Community Center. The forum is slated to begin at 7 p.m., and may last as long as three hours.

During the forum, candidates from both the Democrat and Republican parties in the upcoming Primaries have been invited to give five-minute speeches to the community, followed by a question-and-answer period of no more than three minutes.

Organizers remind voters that it is not only an honor, it is a right and a responsibility to vote, and with that comes the need to be informed about the candidates and be involved in the process.

“We need to hire the right person,” flyers distributed by the organization claim.

The primary and general elections this year will be critical for Caldwell County, as several long-time elected officials are retiring, and others are facing challenges- in some cases, for the first time. In the midst of the competition, voters are encouraged to remember the numerous issues regarding growth, taxes and development Caldwell County will face in the near future as construction of State Highway 130 continues, and “urban sprawl” from the surrounding cities begins to encroach on the county”s borders.

Other candidate forums are expected to be held prior to the primary election. Watch future issues of the Lockhart Post-Register for more details.


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