CCAD keeps Islas as Chief Appraiser


By LPR Staff

The Caldwell County Appraisal District board of directors opted to leave Chief Appraiser Pete Islas in his position on Tuesday, despite some public criticism and a very public campaign by one director to have Islas terminated.
Islas, who has caught the brunt of the property owners” anger since appraised values were raise

d earlier this year, was calm when he informed the board that he had asked his attorney to join him at the board”s regular meeting on Tuesday. In addition, Islas asked that any discussion regarding his termination, reassignment or reprimand be held in an open forum, rather than in executive session.
After a brief meeting with their attorney about the request, the board of directors returned to open session, where they voted to take no action against Islas and table the issue.
However, because the issue was tabled, it can be put on the agenda for a future meeting.
Several employees of the appraisal district came forward to express their concern over the possibilty that Islas might lose his job because of the appraisal roll increases.
Each employee who spoke noted that Islas was “the best thing to happen” to their office in years, and begged the board not to put the office and the employees through additional turmoil.
Only one of Islas” detractors spoke at the meeting – to say that it was inappropriate for the employees of the appraisal district to speak on Islas” behalf.


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