Latest Past Events

Singing Men of South Texas Concert

Live concert Thursday, September 12 at 7:00 p.m. held at the First Baptist Church Lockhart. 315 West Prairie Lea St. in Lockhart. The Singing Men of South Texas is composed of Ministers of Music and church musicians from Baptist churches in South Texas. This chapter, one of six statewide chapters, draws members from Georgetown to McAllen and Del Rio to Port Lavaca. The South Texas chapter is directed by Larry Danks. The Singing Men of Texas were created in 1975 and serve as part of the Baptist General Convention of Texas.

Lockhart Plum Creek Elementary P.T.A. Fundraiser: Hurts Donuts

Hurts Donut – Katy, Texas is coming to Lockhart! They will be helping us out by kicking off our fund raising this new 2019-2020 school year. LOCKHART TEXAS! YOU. ARE. NEXT!!! You called 9-YUM-YUM! The EMERGENCY DONUT DELIVERY VEHICLE will be visiting you THIS FRIDAY AT 12pm i.e. NOON!! THIS FRIDAY, the WHAAAMbulance will be COMPLETELY loaded with dozens of our most popular donuts, cinnamon rolls, and our famous maple bacon bars. Cash and cards accepted! THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!!! See the deets below! WHO: YOU, ME AND DONUTS! WHAT: CRAZY DONUT PARTY - Line up EARLY! This is like […]

Block Printing Basics

In this program, we will use two techniques to carve pictures into foam blocks. No registration required. Prepare: Wear weatherappropriate clothing and bring a bottle of water. Meet: Meet in the picnic area of the park. If driving from park HQ, pass the pool and take your first right-hand turn into the picnic area parking lot. Fees: Regular park entrance fees apply ($3/adult, free for children 12 & under). For more information, visit alendar/lockhart/copy2_ of_block-printing-class