Legal Notice – Aug. 17, 2017: Lockhart and Caldwell County (Texas)







AUGUST 07, 2017

and issued pursuant to judgment decree(s) of the District Court of Caldwell County, Texas, by the Clerk of said Court on said date,   in the hereinafter numbered and styled suit(s) and to me directed and delivered as Sheriff or Constable of said County, I have o

n August 7, 2017, seized, levied upon, and will, on the first Tuesday in September, 2017, the same being the 5th day of said month, outside of the main entrance of the new Caldwell County Judicial Center located generally at 1703 S. Colorado Street, Lockhart, Texas 78644, between the hours of 10 o”clock a.m. and 4 o”clock p.m. on said day, beginning at 10:00 AM, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder all the right, title, and interest of the defendants in such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants, the same lying and being situated in the County of Caldwell and the State of Texas, to-wit:


10-T-8633, Account No(s). 42761, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. STEPHANIE JIMENEZ, AKA STEPHANIE MARIE JIMENEZ, ET AL, 15.00 acres, more or less, situated in the H. & T. C. RR. Co. Survey, Abstract 150, and the R. L. McKinney Survey, Abstract 207, Caldwell County, Texas, as described in deed dated April 30, 2001, from James D. Albert to Stephanie Jimenez, in Volume 264, Page 309, Official Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $72,880.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $1,702.00;

Sale Notes:

12-T-8836, Account No(s). 18992, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. FRANKLIN WAYNE SOWELL, ET AL, Lot 26 of the Cleveland Addition to the City of Lockhart, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 189, Page 306 of the Deed Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $18,180.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $7,844.00;

Sale Notes:

15-T-9159, Account No(s). 29366, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. MICHELE LYNN BRADEN,   10.00 acres, more or less, R. McKinney Survey, Abstract 207, Caldwell County, Texas, described in Volume 219, Page 252, Official Public Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $56,910.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $3,198.00;

Sale Notes:

15-T-9175, Account No(s). 20378, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. DELORES PEREZ, Part of Lot 3, James L. Storey Addition, Caldwell County, Texas, described in Instrument No. 12-3714, Official Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $15,440.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $10,480.00;

Sale Notes:

16-T-9375, Account No(s). 78963, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. PROVIDENCE MISSION BAPTIST CHURCH COLORED, 4.00 acres, more or less, Miles G. Dikes Survey, A-92, Caldwell County, Texas, described in Volume 6, Page 218, Deed Records of Caldwell County, Texas., with an adjudged value of $32,290.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $6,643.00;

Sale Notes:

16-T-9417, Account No(s). 33697, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. RUBY S. HOLDER, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS INDENDENT EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF ERNA O. SEELIGER, DECEASED, ET AL,     0.25 acre, more or less, B. Lockhart League, A-17, Caldwell County, Texas, described in Volume 170, Page 150, Deed Records of Caldwell County, Texas, with an adjudged value of $9,100.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $9,100.00;

Sale Notes:

17-T-9429, Account No(s). 73950, CALDWELL COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. DIXIE PAULINE MAYFIELD, ALSO KNOWN AS DIXIE DENNISSON, Improvements only situated at 2425 Sand Holler Road, Dale, Caldwell County, Texas, with an adjudged value of $32,510.00, and an Estimated minimum opening bid of $9,607.00;

Sale Notes:

(any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Caldwell County, Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete description of each respective tract.) or, upon the written request of said defendants or their attorney, a sufficient portion of the property described above shall be sold to satisfy said judgment(s), interest, penalties, and cost; and any property sold shall be subject to the right of redemption of the defendants or any person having an interest therein, to redeem the said property, or their interest therein, within the time and in the manner provided by law, and shall be subject to any other and further rights to which the defendants or anyone interested therein may be entitled, under the provisions of law. Said sale to be made by me to satisfy the judgment(s) rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s), together with interest, penalties, and costs of suit, and the proceeds of said sales to be applied to the satisfaction thereof, and the remainder, if any, to be applied as the law directs.

Dated at Lockhart, Texas, August 7, 2017

Caldwell County, Texas



Sheriff Daniel Law


The Minimum Bid is the lesser of the amount awarded in the judgment plus interest and costs or the adjudged value. However,       the Minimum Bid for a person owning an interest in the property or for a person who is a party to the suit (other than a taxing unit),   is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the property plus all costs of suit and sale. ALL SALES SUBJECT               TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT NOTICE. THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL TAXES DUE ON THE PROPERTY WHICH HAVE BEEN ASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT. For more information, contact your attorney or LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP., attorney for plaintiffs, at (512) 398-5550 X203



Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Beer and Wine Retail (BQ) License/Permit by Layne Tanner, Sara Barr and Jessica Rutland, dba Lockhart Arts and Craft, to be located at 113A N. Main St., Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas. General partners are Layne Tanner, Sara Barr, and Jessica Rutland.




Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration for the Estate of George E. Mauldin, Deceased, were issued on July 27, 2017, in Cause No. 10221, pending in the County Court of Caldwell

County, Texas, to:

Cheri M. Mauldin

8809 Misty Pine Drive

Temple, Texas 76502

All persons having claims against this estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. All persons having claims should address them in care of the representative at the address stated above.

DATED the 28th day of July, 2017.



Robert A. Haedge

State Bar No. 24076816

1987 Tumbleweed Trail

Dale, Texas 78616

Tel: (512) 540-1673

Fax: (512) 582-8550


Attorney for


Cheri M. Mauldin


The Caldwell County Unit Road System is seeking bids for the period October 1st, 2017 and terminating September 30th 2018. The following bid items are Aggregate, Asphalt Materials, Flexible Base, Fuel (Regular Unleaded/No. 2 Diesel- low sulfur) , Oil and Lubricants.


Specifications may be obtained by contacting (512) 398-7269 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. (Monday thru Friday). The item bid on should be clearly marked on the front lower left hand corner of the envelope. Bids should show unit pricing and be submitted to the County Auditor’s Office, Caldwell County Courthouse, located at 110 S. Main St., 3rd floor, or P.O. Box 98, Lockhart, Texas 78644.


The deadline is September 1st, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. Bids will be opened in a public meeting of Commissioner’s Court, September 11th, 2017 at 9:00 a.m., located at 110 S. Main St., 2nd floor, Lockhart, Texas



Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Mixed Beverage Permit and Mixed Beverage Late Hours Permit by Domingo Sanchez dba El Rey Bar/Nightclub to be located at 1721 S. Commerce St., Lockhart, Caldwell, Texas. Officer of said corporation, Domingo Sanchez, owner.


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