Letters – Democrat questions new Chair candidate


To the Editor:

For the past 20 years I have been a Democratic activist in Caldwell County, and I am currently an office holder with the party in the county. I have always been of the opinion that “Evil will prevail if good men (and women) fail to do nothing,” and that is why I am writing this today.

I was recently informed that a couple of Republican party me

mbers went out and sought someone to run against Philip Ruiz, the Democratic Party Chair for Caldwell County. I have never heard of the person who is running in the Primary Election for the Party Chair position. He has never been to a meeting of the party. This is not fair play, but it is something that we are seeing over and over across the nation.

Caldwell County has gone from 26 precincts to 41, as a result of redistricting. This is yet another factor that will discourage voters from casting their ballots in the May 29 primaries. Unless there are major efforts made to educate the public about their new polling sites, voters will become frustrated and some may choose that the hassle is not worth the efforts.

And while there is to be no “gerrymandering,” many feel this split of the county is, in itself, one more move to water down the Democratic voting communities. Representative Lloyd Doggett has seen his District cut in half here. I beseech those who remain in the congressman’s district to be sure to support him. We need for him to remain in office so that we may have a voice.

Whether or not you like the congressman is unimportant. The important thing is, when you have a problem, you can always reach him, or a member of his staff, and they will help you find an answer.

As far as our nation and our state, we must continue to pray that we mend. That we can put away childish things and get back to the principles of the Bible and do the things that are right and good, and benefit not one or two, but all Americans and all Texans.

Thank you,

Jackie Dorn Campbell

Caldwell County



  1. Irene LaMotte 11 May, 2012 at 21:10 Reply

    We have yet to find a list of the Democrats running for re-election. We have gone by the clerks office and have gotten no information. The internet gives a list of the Republicans. So what gives???

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