Letters – Lockhart dubbed ‘Good Samaritan Central’


To the Editor:
I wanted to report to you [Friday night, July 20], I was the person pulling my trailer with my ‘57 Chevy pickup truck that was broke down at the top of the hill just about two miles south of Lockhart.

In the three-and-one-half hours I was there, three people stopped twice – once was your patrolman – and two other people stopped once. All would

not leave until we convinced them we had everything we needed.

One person went into town and filled up 12+ water bottles found in the trash, filled them up and put lids back on them, also he brought three other jugs of water. I had enough water to fill my radiator twice.

Daniel, the son of the police dispatcher, also came to our rescue with a big truck wench and trailer to haul my truck into town.

I have to say I thought my hometown in Montana was a friendly place; however to this day this is the most friendly place that deserves anyone’s patronage that happens to stop in. This is Good Samaritan Central!

Thanks for rescuing me Lockhart! I hope to return the favor sometime soon.
Frank Cheff


1 comment

  1. Brandi 22 June, 2011 at 17:34 Reply

    This day in age you don’t see much of this. It can be so dangerous. I’m proud to hear that Lockhart still has small town values.

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