New Editor takes helm at Post-Register



Veteran newsman Miles Smith said he was excited to be taking over as editor of the Lockhart Post-Register, succeeding long-term editor LPR Staff.
Smith, a native Texan and 2001 graduate of Texas A&M University, has worked at papers throughout Texas, Florida, Louisiana and Indiana, and is looking forward to getting to know the Lockhart community.
“Community journalism remains the heart and soul of news coverage and the newspaper world,” said Smith, who got his start in journalism in 2002 as a sportswriter with the Palestine Herald-Press. “I believe that a newspaper that combines interesting local features and thorough news coverage is an essential tool for the citizens it serves, and under my watch, that’s what the Post-Register’s readers are going to get.”
Smith, who officially takes over as editor this week, said he is eager to bring more feature stories to the Thursday print edition while interacting with readers daily through social media and the paper’s website.
“If you’ve got an interesting idea and you think we should pursue it for a story, we’re encouraging you to reach out to us,” Smith said. “This is your newspaper, and we want to tell your stories.”
Smith most recently worked at the Gatehouse Media Center for News and Design in Austin, where he designed and edited news, sports and features sections for papers in Oklahoma, New York, Florida, Missouri and Alabama. His hobbies include playing guitar, working on old cars and barbecuing.
“I might have heard that Lockhart is famous for its barbecue,” Smith quipped. “I can’t wait to check it out for myself.”


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