Lions defeat Lobos 63-7 in Homecoming game


By Alonzo Garza

The Varsity Lions took no prisoners in their relentless pursuit of a “thriller” Homecoming victory against the Lehman Lobos at Lion Field on Friday, Oct. 31. The Lions defeated the Lobos 63-7.

Although most fans expected an easy win over Lehman, many were surprised by the 63-7 score. The Lions kept plowing through the Lob

os’ defensive line throughout the first half of the game. They scored 14 points in the first quarter and 21 in the second.

The Lions scored another 21 points in the third quarter and seven in the fourth, while letting the Lobos slip through their line for a 5-yard run touchdown in the third.

“I told the players that we were starting to become a really good football team,” Head Coach Troy Moses said. “We are coming together and playing our very best at the right time. Lehman is a much improved football team from 2007 and we just came out and executed on offense and defense. We are getting into a groove and playing really well at this time of the year.”

The first quarter began with Lockhart kicking to Lehman. The Lobos took the ball at their own 34-yard line at 11:56, but their first-and-ten became a first-and-15 after flags flew against them for a false start.

The Lions had taken charge of the game by 11:05, when John Alvarez intercepted a Lobo pass for a Lion first-and-ten at the 42-yard line. The Lions moved down to the 17-yard line in less than a minute and then to the 9-yard line by 8:42.

Dominique Hardaway scored the first touchdown of the night with a 9-yard touchdown run at 7:54. Michael Pittman’s extra point kick was good for a 7-0 score.

The Lions kicked to the Lobos who fumbled and recovered the ball at the 25-yard line on the return. By 7:09 the Lobos made it to the 47-yard line and continued pushing down to the 27-yard line for a first-and-ten at 5:15.

The Lions regained possession of the ball with another Alvarez interception at 3:17. The Lions took a first-and-ten at the 33-yard line and the Lobos called a time out.

Xavier Moore secured a first-and-ten at the 49-yard line with three minutes to go in the first.

Zachary Leija reached the 33-yard line with his first-and-ten at 2:34 and by 2:17, Hardaway scored the second touchdown of the night with a 33-yard run. Pittman’s kick was good for a score of 14-0 at the end of the first.

The second quarter started with the Lions at their own 34-yard line with a first-and-ten. Within a minute, the Lions were at the Lobos 48-yard line, and by 9:52 they scored the third touchdown with a 33-yard pass from Tyler Tolley to Randy Castillo. Pittman’s kick was good for a score of 21-0.

The Lobos took possession of the ball at their own 41-yard line at 9:44. Flags flew against both teams for a replay of second down. The Lobos were penalized for blocking from behind and the Lions for a facemask.

The Lions took over the ball at the Lobos’ 46-yard line with 6:36 left in the second. After pushing forward a few yards, the Lions scored again with a 40-yard touchdown run by Richard Ybarra at 4:57. Pittman’s kick was good for a score of 28-0.

The Lobos punted on a fourth-and-six at 4:11 and the Lions took over at the 28-yard line. The Lions moved the ball forward until they reached the 16-yard line for a third-and-nine with 33 seconds remaining in the first half. A pass from Tolley to Castillo secured a first-and-goal at the 4-yard line with 19 seconds remaining. Ybarra rushed in for the Lion’s fifth touchdown with 13 seconds to spare. The kick was good, ending the first half of play at 35-0.

The third began with the Lions scoring at the top of the quarter. Hardaway scored a 62-yard touchdown run at 11:14 taking the score to 42-0 after the kick.
The Lobos answered with a 5-yard touchdown run by Kevin Ibanez at 6:26. A good extra pointkick by Caleb Frank changed the score to 42-7.

The Lions scored again at 6:02 with a 63-yard touchdown run by Leija and a Pittman extra point kick for a score of 49-7.

With 1:16 left in the third, Kory Robbins intercepted a Lobo pass and returned it for an 85-yard touchdown, improving the Lion’s score by seven points after Pittman’s kick. The third ended at 56-7.

Kenny Brite scored the last touchdown of the night with an 8-yard run at 8:38. Pittman’s kick was good for a 63-7 final score.

The Lions had 24 first downs and lost 15 yards with three penalties while the Lobos had 11 first downs and lost 35 yards on four penalties.

“I am very proud of what this team has accomplished this season,” Moses said. “I’m excited about what is still to come. These young men have come a long way since last November. They have worked together, put the time and effort to be 6-3 at this point in the season and have an opportunity to be in the playoffs. The 2008 Lockhart Lion football team are winners and there is nothing that can take that away from them.”

The Lions will travel to Manor to take on the Mustangs in their last regular season game on Friday, Nov. 7 at 7:30 p.m. Mustang Stadium is located at 12700 Gregg Manor Rd.

“This week we have the Manor Mustangs and it is going to be a playoff type atmosphere,” Moses said. “We are going to need all of Lockhart to be there and support these young men as they try to represent Lockhart in the Texas State Playoffs. It is going to be a fun night and I hope everybody can make it out to the game.”

See you at the game.


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