Letters – Resident blasts neighbors for trash dumping
To the Editor:
Re: Lockhart Post-Register, Jan 29, 2009: “Illegal dumping dominates county talks”
The article states that Environmental Control Officer Mike Bittner has collected 34,000 pounds of trash from Caldwell County roadsides.
I invite all county citizens to drive out of Lockhart on FM 672 and notice the plastic bags and trash on fences, in pas
tures, etc. Pay special attention to the garbage the farther you go from Lockhart.
My neighbors and myself have complained to county and state officials about these squalid conditions. That’s about like kicking a dead dog. Nothing has changed.
When FM 672 intersects with FM 1854,
turn right and drive through Dale, turning right at the three-way stop. Pay close attention to the abundance of trash.
Caldwell is the worst drought-stricken county in the United States. Additionally, we have more slobs than any other environment. Something needs to be done. Who can do something about this situation?
Billy Hanks
I agree with Mr Hanks. I live off FM 672 and have had trash bags tossed near and on my property.
Is anyone aware of an organization, in our area, which assists in keepin our area [FM 672] a clean residential area?