City to clean water lines
The City of Lockhart will begin flushing fire hydrants throughout the City on Feb. 14, 2005. The purpose of flushing is to remove sediment buildup in the main water lines and is essential to maintain water quality and allow adequate fire flows throughout the distribution system.
The flushing may result in temporary discoloration of the water, caused by small particles
dislodged during the flushing. This will be a directional flushing and is expected take approximately three weeks.
City crews will flush the city”s lines from 10 p.m, – 4 a.m. each Monday through Thursday, from Feb. 14 until March 3, 2005.
No disruption of water service is expected during this time. However, consumers may notice some discoloration of the water. This discoloration does not pose a health threat.
Discoloration may stain laundry especially white materials. City staff recommends that residents check their cold water before starting laundry. They further recommend that dark materials are washed first.
If at any time pressure or volume seems low, residents should check faucets for trapped particles, then allow a few hours for discoloration to dissipate. Clear water can then be verified by running the cold water tap for a few minutes.
Again, this flushing does not pose any threat to public health.
For additional information, please call the Lockhart Water Department at (512) 398-3615 or Lockhart Water Treatment Plant at (512) 398-3528.
(Courtesy of Vance Rodgers)