Be wise and accept Him into your heart


Jim Honeycutt

Chaplain-Baptist Minister

With a melody on my mind, I whistled softly as I went about my early morning routine. It’s the same most mornings; let the dogs out, feed the cat, make my coffee. After these tasks are done, I sit, study scripture and talk with Jesus about the coming day.

This morning the routine got off slightly when on my way to let out the dogs I stopped by the kitchen to grab something.

Glancing over my shoulder at the counter I noticed my coffee cup was sitting upside down in the Keurig. That’s odd, I thought to myself. 

Mac’s whining at the back door reminded me of what I was supposed to be doing. “Okay, okay, I’m coming,” I said to him as I headed his way. 

Once I let the dogs out, fed the cat and checked on the water in her bowl, I headed back inside to prepare myself for the day. Walking into the kitchen, I found myself thinking about all the things I needed to accomplish. And while those things were whirling around in my head, I reached over, pressing the start button on my coffee maker as I headed to the living room. 

Now usually I just listen for the coffee to finish while doing other things, for I can hear it brewing as it fills the cup. This morning though I notice it was making a strange sound, almost like… The Cup Is Upside Down! 

Dashing to the kitchen I see my coffee has finished brewing… all over the counter, with only the slightest bit gathered on the top of my upside down coffee cup. Unable to contain my emotion… I explode… in laughter. Of all the absurdities.

Now usually I would be so mad at myself for the blunder, yet today I saw it for what it was, a very funny reminder of how easily I am distracted. Cleaning the counter and restarting my coffee with the cup right side up, I pondered while I chuckled before The Lord. “Ok Father, I know there is a lesson here.” I said aloud. “What could it be, besides the obvious?”

In my spirit I could feel a gentle reminder of being wise to the things around me. And as I picked up my cup and headed to sit down, I thought of all the times small things are revealed to us. Things that we see, yet don’t perceive. In this case I was the one who put the cup upside down to dry. I was the one who didn’t connect the dots. And I was the one most affected by my lack of perception. Speaking of perception.

Have you ever seen something in passing, yet missed it entirely? Have you ever looked past something right in front of you? Have you ever thought, I may need this later and failed to pick it up? Every moment of every day, all around us glimpses of the eternal are revealed. Signs for encouragement, comfort, validation and warnings for protection, discipline, correction are given by our Creator in Love.

But many have become so preoccupied with the daily chores of life they fail to perceive what’s right before them. Or they refuse to accept the message of hope. In soft whispers, The Spirit of The Lord calls to those He desires to come to Him. The vastness of our separation from His presence overcome by His atonement and grace. But Humans, created to fellowship with their Creator, given opportunity to walk in The Light of the Cosmos for eternity must decide for themselves.

For within the Master’s revelation, each individual must choose according to their faith, whether to believe God’s Truth, which is Christ the Lord, or to reject His offer of life. 

According to the writer of Psalm 14, the fool says in his heart there is no God. And Jesus is recorded as saying in Matthew 7:24, Everyone who hears my teaching and applies it to his life can be compared to a wise man who built his house on an unshakable foundation. So the question is… What is the teaching Jesus tells us to apply to our lives? Because The Holy Scriptures are full of promises fulfilled and promises coming.

Allow me to share several.

John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believe in him will not perish but have everlasting life. 

John 1:9: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

John 14:6: Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 

And one of my favorites Romans 8:1: There is now therefore no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus. May you be blessed knowing and applying Christ’s word.


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