Bonn lashes out at Sheriff over reporting


By LPR Staff



In a shocking pre-election move by Caldwell County Judge Tom Bonn, a complaint was filed recently against Sheriff Daniel Law.

A letter addressed to the Attorney General”s Criminal Prosecutions Division and dated Oct. 5 alleges Law is in violation of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Chapter 59, which gov

erns the collection and spending of assets forfeited through the course of criminal investigations and prosecutions.

The letter was read into the record at Monday”s meeting of the Caldwell County Commissioners Court without discussion. In it, Bonn alleged that Law violated the statute by not coming before the Commissioners Court to seek approval of a budget for expenditures from funds derived from asset forfeitures. Further, he alleges the Sheriff committed perjury by signing a sworn statement suggesting his office had neither received nor spent funds in connection with asset forfeitures.

The report attached to the letter, however, shows differently, and reflects uniforms and equipment purchased with asset forfeiture funds.

However, the report presented by Bonn within the complaint and the report received by the Office of the Attorney General appear to be different. A report provided by the State does not include the “certification” Bonn alleges that Law filed stating there had been no receipt or expenditure of funds.

Law claims the attack was politically motivated, and was read into the record during Monday”s meeting in order to force local newspapers to address the issue. He also said his records and budgets have been prepared and submitted in accordance with state law, and that he is not concerned about legal backlash from the complaint.

Within the complaint, Bonn makes mention of a recent purchase of a fuel tank which was purchased earlier this year, during a controversy in which Law and County Auditor Larry Roberson locked horns over the county”s FuelMan card policy. Bonn notes Law said he would arrest Roberson if the FuelMan cards were deactivated, as Roberson threatened they would be.

Bonn said he believed Law did not present a budget to the Commissioners Court for the purchase of the fuel tank because he (Law) thought that it would not be approved by the Commissioners.

Law agreed that he told Roberson that he would be arrested, not if the FuelMan cards were deactivated, but rather if that deactivation caused a deputy to be unable to respond to a call for lack of fuel in a patrol car or cash on hand to pay for refueling.

Of note, while the statute noted in Bonn”s letter does call for a budget to be submitted “to the commissioners court or governing body of the municipality” prior to expenditure of funds, it does not explicitly require approval of that governing body, and simply says the funds are subject to audit.

Law said on Tuesday that he had responded to the complaint via the Office of the Attorney General and maintained his innocence. He called the attack a political ploy, and linked it to Bonn”s and Roberson”s personal distaste for him, and their desire to see him ousted in the November election.

Check in with for details on this story as the investigation develops, or see next week”s Post-Register for an update.




  1. Steven Zunker 19 October, 2012 at 12:44 Reply

    The people of Caldwell County deserve better. This appears to be politics at its best or should I say worst. I still consider myself a newcomer to this county but if the story printed here is accurate then we the citizens have a big problem. When I moved to this county I said I would not get involved in politics but if you care about your fellow man and country you eventually will say enough is enough. Two different reports? I would be more incline to believe the report from the AG’s office, so that leaves me to wonder where did the other report come from? I have tried to keep up with the little games, shenanigans and power struggles going on in this county, but this is downright ridiculous. I hope you (the Lockhart Post-Register) will stay on top of this story and continuously post updates.
    The first time I ever met the Sheriff or his opponent was Wednesday, October 17, 2012 at the candidate forum in Lockhart. I attend these forums to meet and get to know the people that want to run our county and spend our tax dollars. Some are better public speakers than others and after being fooled in the election two years ago I vow not to repeat my mistakes. Dirty politics doesn’t do any of us any good; the elected officials work for us and should do what is right for ALL the people of Caldwell County. Leave your personal vendettas and agendas at home.
    Steven Zunker

  2. Cynthia Fischer 20 October, 2012 at 18:24 Reply

    As usual, there is a distaste for Daniel. Take a step back and agree to disagree. Daniel is a good man and he is honest! Always has been. He has done a lot for the county and especially, Lockhart. He is down to earth and I believe he truly cares about his fellow man. The only thing I see that he doesn’t have going for him is that he chose to be a Democrat! Either way, law enforcement runs in his family and I believe he does a very good job holding up to those standards. Hang in there Daniel. Always stick by your gut feelings and stay true to yourself. I feel the distaste that comes your way are from those that feel threatened by you. Too bad they don’t know the real you. This will soon pass and you can get back to doing what you do best. Locking up the “real criminals!”

  3. Cynthia Fischer 10 November, 2012 at 17:29 Reply

    Congratulations Sheriff Law! I know all your family and friends are very proud of you. Caldwell Co. Is lucky to have you. Especially, Lockhart. You should consider being a football coach for Lockhart High on the side. You would be awesome at that too!! Best wishes your way.

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