Letters – Readers sound off on construction, landfill and school bond


Reader urges neighbors to think about landfill development

To the Editor:

Friends, I do not support this proposed dump. That does not make me an activist, a dissident or an uniformed citizen. The dump is what it is and always will be… a garbage dump. All of the “PC” adjectives and glad-handed promises are meaningless.


County will not have sufficient garbage to make this dump profitable. The corporation needs the dump to be permitted as a transfer station to take in 18-wheeler trucks of garbage from other locations.

The EPA explains “Waste transfer stations are facilities where municipal solid waste is unloaded from collection vehicles and briefly held while it is reloaded onto larger long-distance transport vehicles for shipment to landfills or other treatment or disposal facilities.”

The EPA also states, “they can cause an increase in traffic in the immediate area where they are located.”

Texas permitting allows different transfer stations to exchange out of state garbage. Other states’ garbage being brought in to Texas can and is “transferred” between permitted stations, because once the trash is in Texas, it is Texas trash.

Texas does not have sufficient garbage to fill the 195 active dumps now. There are 31 active transfer stations in Texas. The October 2013 TCEQ Report for Out-of-State Waste identifies three landfills are receiving Municipal Solid Waste from Mexico for a total of 1,634 tons and nine landfills reported receiving Municipal Solid Waste from Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico and Oklahoma for a total of 189,260 tons.

Several of the for-profit trash corporations are paying little to no tax in Texas due to special exemptions from the State or Cities.

This proposed dump has the potential of contamination of the Leona and Carrizo – Wilcox Aquifers. The Carrizo – Wilcox Aquifers are a primary drinking water source to the residents of Lockhart.

Other counties in Texas are protecting their water resources. With the drought and future potential water shortages projected for Texas, the proposed dump is an injustice to the residents of Lockhart and Caldwell County citizens dependent on the water.

No one tells us of the estimated morbidity or mortality this dump will have on our health.

No one tells us of the estimated loss of jobs that will result from this dump coming to our community. I know six people that will lose their jobs or income.

No one tells us of the estimated devaluationof property which is affected by proximity to the dump. The average loss is 15-25 percent before the dump ever actually takes in the first load of garbage

Money from the corporation is a tax write-off to “sell” this dump to our community.

My neighbors and friends, and the organizations you are members of, or represent, please consider the enormous impact this dump may have on the health and well-being of our community. We do not need it, or want it. We need to look to every citizen to help protect our community.

Thank you.

Deborah Bissonnet



Community builder advocates for locals

To the Editor:

Here is an idea for Dairy Queen, Whataburger, McDonalds, Murphy Oil, etc.

When you do renovation, rebuild or new construction, give local contractors the opportunity to bid and construct your project.

Seems odd that you depend on the common working man in Lockhart to support your business but do not think it is necessary to reciprocate.

Lockhart is filled with capable, honest, and dependable tradesman. Please give these local trades a chance.

Jim Smith



Former Trustees speak to bond project

To the Editor:

The citizens of Lockhart ISD will soon have the opportunity to provide much-needed improvements to our high school and other district campuses. Passage of the bond proposal on the ballot at the May 10 election will, without question: enhance the ability to give all our children a quality education in safe, appropriate and less-crowded facilities.

In March, 2013, LISD initiated a long range facility planning effort. Members of our community, including parents, business owners, and professionals did a thorough analysis of LISD facilities and their usage and capacity as well as student enrollment trends. This taskforce made recommendations that led to the bond proposal. They recommended extensive additions and renovations to Lockhart High School, a new elementary school, and renovations to all campuses in our district. These renovations will also include addrzessing these three issues:

1. Mechanical systems (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing and electrical);

2. Safety, health, and security; and

3. Classroom availability and size.

The school district and the LISD Taskforce will continue to provide bond-related information to the community. Please make time to attend Informational Presentations and examine information made available in our local papers, and the Lockhart Independent School District website.

We urge our fellow citizens to vote in favor of the school district bond proposal on May 10. To have a healthy and happy place for our children to grow and learn takes money and good schools. We ask that you vote for this bond issue, our children and our community.

If you have questions contact our Interim Superintendent or Taskforce members. I know they are willing to answer your questions. Please make yours an informed vote.

We as past School Board Members fully support the bond issue, and ask for your VOTE and SUPPORT.

Fermin T. Islas

Alan Fielder

Andy Govea

Joe Kelly

Gary Allen

Domingo Yruegas

Nora Govea

Carl Ohlendorf

Clint Mohle

Dr. Philip A. Wales

Alfredo Munoz

Timoteo “Tim” Juarez, Jr.



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