
Area teen killed in weekend crash


By LPR Staff



A local youngster was killed in the early hours of Sunday morning when a vehicle he was riding in left the road and rolled over several times, ejecting him from the rear seat of the SUV.

According to Lockhart Police Chief Mike Lummus, the 14-year-old passenger was likely not wearing a seat belt; Lu

mmus said that fact was likely the largest contributing factor in his death.

Having declined to identify the youth or either of the other teens traveling with him, Lummus said the ultimate cause of the crash was still unclear.

“What it looks like is that the 16-year-old driver took the vehicle without permission, and then went to pick up the other two,” he said. “It looked as though they were probably driving around for most of the night.

Lummus said the 16-year-old, and his 15-year-old companion, were both treated and released at the scene of the accident, as both were wearing their seatbelts and neither suffered any serious injuries.

Both, he said, were reported to have extensive criminal histories, culminating in what appears to be the theft of the SUV prior to the deadly crash. He declined to speculate whether drugs, alcohol or excessive speed played a role in the crash.

An autopsy was performed on the victim on Monday morning, which Lummus said might lead to additional information about the youngsters’ activities prior to the crash.

He also noted as the investigation moves forward, he expects charges to be filed in connection with the crash. He would not elaborate what those charges might be.

Watch future issues of the Post-Register for additional information on this pending investigation as details develop.


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