
Board applauds schools’ test scores


By LPR Staff

The Lockhart ISD Board of Trustees paid tribute to two district campuses on Monday during a short regular meeting.
Both Navarro Elementary and Lockhart Junior High School students scored well enough on last year’s Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) test to earn Gold Performance Acknowledgements.

Gold Performance Acknowledgements recognize districts whose students perform at the “commended” level on the TAKS test. For a campus to receive a Gold Performance Acknowledgement, more than 20 percent of the students must perform at or above the “commended” level.
This year, only 32 percent of campuses statewide received a Gold Performance Acknowledgement for reading/Language Arts, 29 percent for Writing and 20.9 percent for math, reported Janie Wright, the district’s Director for Curriculum, Instruction and Special Programs.
In other TAKS business, Larry Ramirez, principal of Lockhart High School, and Special Education Director Monica Parks reported that they are working with the special education teachers to remedy the problems that caused LHS to receive a rating of “Unacceptable” on last year’s TAKS tests. Parks and Ramirez assured the board that they have reviewed the evaluation procedures regarding TAKS testing for Special Education students and are working to fix the problems.
In brief board news:
Assistant Superintendent Phil McBride asked the board to consider upgrading the district’s computer network.
The trustees approved the district’s tax roll for 2005 in the amount of $11,659,602.56.
Pending approval from the district’s attorney, the board will renew an education agreement with Eanes ISD.
They approved the auction of several properties by the Caldwell County Appraisal District during an auction on Tuesday, Nov. 29.
The board then convened into an excecutive session for the Superintendent’s semi-annual performance review.
The board meets the last Monday of each month, unless otherwise posted, at the Lockhart High School Conference Center (old library) at #1 Lion Country Drive.


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