Caldwell County announces feral hog bounty collection dates
Caldwell County
Caldwell County’s citizens are once again being invited to help keep the feral hog population under control.
The Central Texas Feral Hog Task Force is a collaborative regional effort to track and abate the extensive ecological and economic damage associated with invasive feral swine. Texas is home to an estimated 2.6 million feral hogs with an impact that may exceed $500 million annually. The task force was established in 2013 as the Caldwell County Feral Hog Task Force but was renamed the Central Texas Feral Hog Task Force in 2018.
Feral Hog abatement plans for 2023 include the hog bounty program, landowner virtual and face-to-face workshops/webinars, and the random awarding of trapping and game camera equipment to landowners.
For bounty collection, bring tails from harvested animals to Smith Supply (US 183 S., Lockhart). First-time participants will be asked to complete a registration form and a W9 form on site.
Subject to fund availability, participants will be awarded $5 per feral hog harvested in Caldwell County or Hays County, Texas. Biological evidence of harvest in the form of a feral hog tail must be provided by participants. A receipt from a Texas certified holding facility will also serve as proof of harvest.
Collection will be from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. on March 23, April 20, May 18, June 15, and July 20.
Upcoming webinars and workshops will be announced. Stay tuned to or follow Caldwell County on Facebook for announcements.
For questions and additional information, contact Sean Melvin at Plum Creek Watershed Partnership at or call 830-557-7358.