
Caldwell County Food Bank Seeks Garden Coordinator


Caldwell County Food Bank

The Caldwell County Food Bank Garden Program is looking for a new volunteer Garden Coordinator.

The role is responsible for oversight of all garden activities. Seasonal planning, scheduling, overseeing harvesting and watering, garden volunteer management, and future goal planning. The ideal candidate processes organic gardening experience and supports our mission of assisting the food insecure population in Caldwell County.

Caldwell County Food Bank is a 501 (c)(3) organization operating six programs of service and a volunteer team of more than 200. CCFB started the garden program in 2020 with the goal of providing its clients with fresh organic produce options to promote healthy eating options. The garden produces over 3,000 pounds annually.

Interested parties are encouraged to reach out to with contact information. The current garden founder/manager will select her successor and work alongside with the new coordinator for a smooth transition.


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