
Candidates issue campaign spending reports



With only days left until the Primary Elections, most of the candidates in Caldwell County”s local races filed their campaign spending reports this week. The race for Caldwell County Judge remains the frontrunner in both fundraising and campaign spending. For the reporting period from Feb. 7 – 27, candidate Larry Dean Stamps l

ed the way in both fundraising and spending. Stamps reported a total of $1,653.78 in campaign contributions, including a $1,000 donation from Tony Spears of Rosanky. Stamps reported $1,573.11 in campaign spending, including $378 for advertising in the Luling Newsboy and $299.25 with the Lockhart Post-Register. Incumbent County Judge H.T. Wright did not declare any campaign contributions for the reporting period. He claimed only spending in the amount of $1,846.10 on advertising. Wright reported spending $719.97 with the Newsboy, $338.63 with the Post-Register, and $787.50 on other printed periodicals. In the race for District Clerk, both candidates reported spending slightly more on their campaigns than they raised. Amanda Mayers stated that she had raised $724 toward her campaign while spending $1,054.16. Most of Mayers” spending was directed toward advertising. She claimed advertisements totaling $475.20 in the Post-Register and the Newsboy, and spent $394.73 on an area circular. The remaining funds went to purchase signs. Mayers” opponent, Tina Morgan raised more than $2,000, including a donation of $500 from Houston Munson in Gonzales, and $400 from Glen Germer of Luling. She invested $302.97 in local sign printing and $1,475.93 in newspaper advertising in Lockhart and Luling, and $260 on other printed periodicals.
In the precinct races, incumbent Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 Jackie Ramirez reported raising $420 and spending $433. Justice of the Peace hopeful Mary Alice Llanas indicated that her campaign raised $453.12 for the reporting period between Jan. 1 and Feb. 7 and spent a total of $212. Incumbent Precinct 4 Commissioner Joe Roland reported contributions of $956 and expenditures of $687.50. Roland”s opponent, John “Big John” Castillo, had not filed a report at press time. This year”s largest race is for County Commissioner, Precinct 2. Each of the five candidates for the seat filed for this reporting period. Incumbent Charles Bullock reported expenditures only, in the amount of $858.37. David Brent indicated that his campaign raised $120 and spent $371.67 this reporting period. Jay pruitt claimed $760 in contributions and $67.80 in expenses. Republican Candidates for Precinct 2 reported expenditures only. Jerry Saur reported $1,162.78 in spending, while Milton Shaw indicated his campaign spent $894 during the reporting period. The Caldwell County Primary Elections will be held on Tuesday, March 7, 2006.


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