Cherryville development to raise county to new level


By LPR Staff

A lengthy presentation by developers for a new Caldwell County subdivision offered a new vision for Calwell County during the regular meeting of the Caldwell County Commissioners Court on Monday.

Michael Wilson and Steven Ihnen, from Garrett-Ihnen Civil Engineers in Austin approached the Commissioners to discuss plans

for Cherryville, a multi-use development being planned between Fentress and Martindale, near where State Highway 130 will meet Highway 80.

The 3,400-acre complex will include thousands of residential structures, commercial business and an industrial park, with future plans including parks, schools and perhaps a university or research and development campus.

“We want to start developing as soon as possible,” Wilson said about plans for the complex industrial park, which will be located near existing County Road 110.

Of particular note, the future City of Cherryville received approval from the Texas Legislature earlier this year to create a municipal utility district, the proceeds from whose taxes will be used for wastewater treatment and road maintenance in early stages of the project, Wilson said. Water would be provided by both the Tri-Community and Maxwell Water Supply Corporations, as the property lies across portions of both service areas. In addition, future residents of the area will be divided between the Lockhart and San Marcos Consolidated Independent School Districts.

While Wilson said the developer, Ron Cherry, has no current plans for incorporating the area, development of a new city in Caldwell County seems almost inevitable, based upon the concept plan presented Monday.
Cherryville plans are still in the early phase, and Wilson said he would be approaching the Court at a later time to present a preliminary plan.

In other development news, the Commissioners considered and eventually approved a preliminary plan for the Spanish Oaks Estates subdivision, located off Sierra Drive (CR 113).

One sticking point of the plan revolves around the developer’s inability to build roads to county standards with the appropriate right of way. At the development’s entrance, the property allows for only a 26-foot road, without the required 50-foot right of way.

After concerns were expressed by Commissioners and emergency personnel alike regarding the dangers of a narrow right-of-way at the sole entrance to the property, the Commissioners narrowly voted to grant a variance and approve the plan.

Commissioners Charles Bullock and Tom Bonn both voted against the measure, suggesting that the subdivision rules exist for a purpose and that they did not feel comfortable voting in favor of the variance until they had the opportunity to review the property.

In brief news:
The Court voted unanimously to continue the outdoor burning ban in Caldwell County.

They agreed with Sheriff Daniel C. Law’s recommendation that sheriff’s and constables’ fees for service should not be increased for the coming budget year.

The County paid bills in the amount of $444,978.03.

The Caldwell County Commissioners Court meets on the second, third and fourth Monday of each month at 9 a.m. in Room 100 of the Caldwell County Courthouse.


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