Commissioners deny late permit for Los Avila Fest


LPR staff

A Mass gathering permit for Los Avila Fest at Plaza San Miguel on Camino Real (Highway 21) in Dale was denied Tuesday morning by Caldwell County Commissioners as the permit was received past the deadline.

The gathering was set for Oct. 7 from 4 p.m. to 2 a.m.

As many as 2,000 were expected at the event, but a spokesperson at Tuesday morning’s Commissioner’s Court said there would be no more than 2,500.

Commissioners unanimously denied the permit due to liability concerns after the deadline for the permit had passed.

Caldwell County Judge Hoppy Haden was not at Tuesday’s Commissioners Court as he was out of town. In Haden’s absence, County Judge Pro Tem BJ Westmoreland presided over the court.

In other business:

County Emergency Management Chief Hector Rangel said there had been a few fires recently, the largest a 3-acre fire on Monday. Rangel said there was very little rain forecast for Caldwell County in the near future, therefore he recommended – and received – two more weeks of the burn ban being in place.

Rangel also recommended that the county restrict the sale of rockets and projectile fireworks during the upcoming Southeast Asian holiday of Diwali.

A proclamation was read noting October as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

A final plat was approved for two lots at Gonzales Place at 3355 Dry Creek Road.

A preliminary plat for 20 residential lots on 60.58 acres was approved for Tenney Creek Ranch.


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