
Cops seize $800k worth of unharvested marijuana


Cops seize $800k worth of unharvested marijuana

On Thursday, April 19, detectives with the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office, along with the Texas National Guard Counter Drug Reconnaissance and Aerial Interdiction Detachment (RAID), and in a joint effort with the Lockhart Police Department identified a marijuana “outdoor grow location.”

The site was a 7.5-acre undeve

loped lot or tract of land in a rural area of Caldwell County off FM 20 and Old Kelly Road.

Sheriff Daniel Law confirmed this week, “a Sheriff’s Office Detective was flying in a RAID Counterdrug reconnaissance helicopter when marijuana plants were observed on the property.”

Detectives immediately applied for and executed a search warrant signed by Caldwell County Court at Law Judge Edward Jarrett.

The search warrant resulted in the seizure of 474 marijuana plants in various stages of growth. The potential street value of the marijuana would have been over $800,000.00 if all of the plants had been ready for cultivation.

No arrests have been made at this time and the investigation is still ongoing.

To report illegal drug activity in your neighborhood, call the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office at (512) 398-6777 ext 222.

(Courtesy of Paul Cowan)



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