
County considers civic center


By LPR Staff

The City of Lockhart has asked Caldwell County to consider entering into another joint project – this time, a civic center that Lockhart has proposed to build within the next three years.
“I think that it”s important that all of the entities, the city, the county and the school board work together on things like this,” s

aid Lockhart City Councilmember Dick Wieland when addressing the Commissioners” Court on Monday morning. “We wanted to make sure that you know that [the County] is invited to participate, and that we welcome your input.”
Because the project is in the early stages of planning, Wieland was unable to offer the Court answers, or even estimates, as to the cost of the project, the amenities that will be available, or whether office space will be available to rent.
“I have heard that after they built that big, nice facility in San Marcos, now they are having trouble keeping it afloat,” noted Commissioner Tom Bonn. “I think that if there was a corporate tenant or some office space, I would feel more comfortable than if it”s just going to be sitting out there empty.”
The other Commissioners expressed concern, as well, regarding topics ranging from the lack of County participation on the City”s “civic center committee” to the fact that other communities have built and maintained civic centers without asking the County for help.
“This is still a long way off, and it”s too early to make a decision,” said County Judge HT Wright. “But it”s important that we keep the door open.”
In brief County news:
The Court opted not to reinstate an outdoor burning ban because of previous rains and the forecast of more rainfall to come this week.
Wright read a proclamation recognizing November as Home Care Month in Caldwell County.
The County paid bills in the amount of $72,016.80.
The Caldwell County Commissioners meet on the second, third and fourth Monday of each month in Room 100 of the Caldwell County Courthouse. Court meetings begin at 9 a.m.


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