
Grateful family donates new ambulance to EMS


By LPR Staff

While the nation’s economic downturn dominated conversation throughout much of the Lockhart City Council’s Tuesday evening meeting, one resident came forward to show a light of thanks and generosity to his hometown.
Longtime Lockhart resident Ronald A. Seeliger presented the City of Lockhart with a generous gif

t in memory of his parents. Seeliger, whose parents, Alton and Thelma Seeliger, were business owners in Lockhart, asked him to honor their memories with a donation to the City of Lockhart after their passing, if their estate allowed. Seeliger, in a short speech wrought with emotion, announced the estate had, in fact, been substantial enough to offer the donation of a new, fully-outfitted ambulance to Lockhart EMS. According to EMS Director Melanie Tucker, the donation, which carries a cash value of more than $114,000, will allow the department to retire an older ambulance to “back-up” status, and will enhance the quality of service Lockhart EMS is able to provide Lockhart and Caldwell County patients.
The Lockhart Economic Development Corporation approached the council to request an amendment in the amount of $15,000, moving funds from the Economic Development Account to a line item for “other contracts and services.” This transfer will help to fund a proposed retail development program.
According to Economic Development Director Sandra Mauldin, the program will work with existing businesses to help them expand, assisting start-up businesses and recruiting new businesses.
In brief news:
Lockhart Police Department Captain Roescher delivered an annual update regarding the Transient Retail Business Ordinance. Roescher said there has been little activity and few violations of the ordinance since it was first introduced in 2006.
Several area non-profit organizations approached the council to request contributions from the city to help fund community service activities during the next fiscal year. The organizations present requested upwards of $32,000 in funding. However, preliminary budget figures suggest only $25,000 will be available. The Council is expected to make a decision regarding contributions to non-profit agencies during their July 15 meeting.
Bertram read a proclamation declaring July as “Parks and Recreation Month.”
The panel approved an award to Dormae Products, Ltd. (Serta) in the amount of $30,000 for a reimbursement of a portion of the company’s relocation fees when they moved to Lockhart. Since the Serta factory opened, the company has created more jobs than initially expected, hiring some 70 individuals out of the Lockhart workforce, and generating significantly more revenue than originally projected.
The council reviewed the current procedures in place for billing deceased patients through EMS. They initiated billing procedures that will allow Tucker’s department to stop billing deceased patients after 90 days, and write off accounts at 120 days, given confirmation of the patient’s death.


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