
County lifts long-standing burn ban


By LPR Staff

Just before 4 p.m. on Friday, Caldwell County Judge H.T. Wright issued an order to temporarily lift an outdoor burning ban that has been in place for most of the last year.

At the time the ban was lifted, nearly three-quarters of an inch of rain had fallen in downtown Lockhart. However, as is the norm with such weather

patterns, other areas in Caldwell County received more, and less, rain.

Although outdoor burning is now allowed, county residents are reminded that this week’s rainfall is not sufficient to break the drought that has plagued the county for more than a year, and that dangerous conditions still exist because of that drought.

Residents who choose to burn are urged to exercise extreme caution. High, dry grasses that have grown throughout the course of the drought can be easily ignited, despite recent rains, and cause destructive – and in some cases, deadly – grass fires within moments. Keep water nearby to douse any sparks or fires that go out of control.

After the rain stops, the potential for dry, gusting winds can add exponentially to that danger.

To report a grass fire in your area, call 9-1-1 immediately.


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