
Diana Fay Hellums Taylor


Diana Fay Hellums Taylor, age 61, passed away October 27, 2019 at home peacefully with her loving husband, Wayne Taylor by her side.
Diana was a very loving person who opened her arms to anyone. She helped so many people through out her life in so many little ways. She was a wife, a mother and a grandmother, who always made you feel loved. She would take you in when you thought no one else would and show you what a home cooked meal was.
Thank you for all your love, laughter and cooking.
Visitation will be held at McCurdy Funeral Home on Friday, November 1, 2019 from 7-9 PM. Funeral servcies will be Saturday at 11 AM also at McCurdy Funeral Home with burial to follow at Jeffrey Cemetery in McMahan, Texas.
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