
Drought conditions cause county to ban fireworks sale


By Kyle Mooty

LPR Editor

Caldwell County Commissioners on Monday decided to reserve the right to revisit its ban on the sale of fireworks should dry conditions improve. Regardless, the sale of “sticks and pens” fireworks are prohibited.

The Burn Ban remains active for Caldwell County.

County Judge Hoppy Haden said, “There have been multi-acre fires every day, sometimes more.”

In other business:

The tire collection event recently in Maxwell was a success with four tractor-trailers filled by 2 p.m. despite 105-degree temperatures. Many local businesses and groups were recognized for their volunteer held, including Pegasus School, which sent 14 volunteers. There were more than 2,000 old tires collected.

Alfonso Sifuentes, vice president of the Workforce Development Board, addressed the court regarding the 35th anniversary of serving Caldwell County. County Judge Hoppy Haden read a proclamation commemorating the organization, noting it was incorporated on June 30, 1987.

“Without these programs, our workforce would not be as robust as it is,” Haden said.

Several commissioners talked about the success of the annual Chisholm Trail Roundup.

“It was good to see the community come together and have a good time in a responsible way,” Commissioner B.J. Westmoreland said.

Commissioner Barbara Shelton added, “It takes a whole lot of volunteer hours. It’s a big task. I want to thank all the people responsible for CTR.”

Commissioner Joe Roland noted his was his 33rd CTR.

Haden, who has a broken foot, said he was unable to attend CTR, but he too recognized those helping make CTR a success.

“People sometimes don’t understand what it takes to put that on,” Haden said.

Also noted was that Juneteenth will be recognized June 19 commemorating the announcement of the abolition of slavery in Texas.

McMahan will celebrate its July 4 holiday on July 2.

A preliminary play for Meadow View Estates which will include 45 residential lots on about 56.09 acres on Bugtussle Lane and Mineral Springs Road was approved by the court.


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