
Editor’s Corner: Bohn a boon for Lockhart


By Miles Smith

­It’s been two weeks since I started working in Lockhart as the Post-Register’s new editor.
First of all, I want to say one thing: I don’t think I’ve ever received as warm a welcome in my 15-year journalism career as I did earlier this month – which is not bad considering the area experienced its first significant snowfall in years on my second day here.
I’ve started to make the rounds and meet some folks in this town, and I get the impression that there are a lot of impressive people trying to do a lot of impressive things – especially at Lockhart ISD.
One of the first prominent officials I met here in Lockhart was Susan Bohn, your superintendent of schools and likely the most recent person in the community to earn the hallowed abbreviation “Dr.” before her name.
The community seems blessed to have an individual like this championing for the education of its children. Any person who successfully pursues a doctorate while trying to run a school district and a family is a motivated, hard-working individual who just seems like she’s going to try do her best for your kids.
She said one thing that resonated with me at our first meeting: She truly believes in the children of this community. She told me that she wants kids to know that going off to college is a realistic goal they can achieve.
“We’ve got one kid who is waiting to hear if she got into Stanford,” Dr. Bohn told me that day. “I want kids to know that they can absolutely go to Stanford if they want to. I want to push kids to prepare to go to college. They can set their expectations high.”
Not sure if that kid got into Stanford, but I hope she did. Either way, congratulations to her for believing in herself and setting a worthy goal.
Under Bohn, teachers are celebrated for doing exceptional things for their students, students are recognized for doing great work, and academic achievements are celebrated as highly as athletic achievements.
I also want to give a shout out to the district’s public information officer Christina Courson. You do a tremendous job with social media and with getting information directly to students and parents as well as into the hands of the Post-Register newsroom.
I look forward to working more with you both. Congrats, Dr. Bohn. And thanks for everything, Christina.


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