
Edna Lopez Juarez


Edna Lopez Juarez of Lockhart, Tx. tragically passed away on Saturday February 10, 2018.
Ms. Lopez was born April 29, 1956 in Lockhart, Tx. to the Late Jose and Lorenza R.Lopez .
Edna leaves behind 3 daughters and 1 son, eldest daughter, Lisa Lopez, Anna F. Juarez, Leticia Juarez, and Angel Juarez (son).
Surviving siblings include, Vicente Lopez (brother), Faustina Lopez-Beltran(sister), John Lopez (brother), Cesar Lopez (brother), Jose Salinas (brother). Special Thanks to bother in laws, Preciliano Godinez, Martin Beltran, and Sylvia Lopez (sister in law).
Edna was preceded in death by her loving parents, Jose and Lorenza Lopez, sister, Dominga Lopez, and brother, Joe Angel Lopez.
Edna will also be remembered forever by countless nieces, nephews, and family friends.
A Visitation/Rosary was held on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at Eeds Funeral Home Chapel from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm.
A funeral mass was held on Thursday, February 22, 2018 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church at 10:00 a.m. To view and sign the guestbook, visit


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