The MILBURNS, Old Tyme Mountain Bluegrass

The MILBURNS, Old Tyme Mountain Bluegrass with live music at the Dale Community Center! $5 admission. Concessions available. BYOB. Dale Community Center: 100 Civic Dr, Dale, Texas 78616


Song Swaps with Uncle Stone Bone featuring Paul Nipper

The PEARL 110 N. Main St., Lockhart, TX, United States

Song Swaps at The PEARL with chief singer-songwriter and host, Stoney Gabel (who does an excellent job bringing in special guests each time), will feature Alabama native, Paul Nipper. Come down to The PEARL and drink in the music! Relax, chat and socialize.


Anna Stockdale in The Parlour at The Social

Anna Stockdale's first stop in central Texas on Valentine's weekend - live and acoustic at Parlour at the Social. Don't miss it! Saturday, February 14th - 8:30pm


Southsiders at Bruno’s Soul Club

Great blues form Austin, Texas! About Southsiders The band offers a songbook of original tunes, plus select material from artists like Otis Rush, Johnny 'Guitar' Watson, Sam Meyers, Paul Butterfield, Larry Williams, and Clarence 'Gatemouth' Brown, to name a few. So, whether you wish to sit back and enjoy a forgotten R&B Ballad from the Crescent City or you want get up on your feet and dance the night away to a genuine Beale Streeters' toe-tapper, The Southsiders featuring Marcus Tharpe are guaranteed to be a crowd pleasing powerhouse of Roots & Urban Blues, Classic Soul and Good ol' Rock […]


Valentines Day with Grant Ewing at The Pearl

The PEARL 110 N. Main St., Lockhart, TX, United States

It's Friday and Valentine's Day! You'll want to bring your date out to hear the deep, soulful voice of crowd favorite, Grant Ewing. Come get into the "spirit" and drink in the music! No cover!


La Adaptación Norteña

Celebrate your loved ones this Valentines Day with live music by La Adaptación Norteña! February 15 at El Rey Bar/Nightclub. Para celebrar el dia del Amor y la Amistad llega La Adaptación Norteña con todas Sus Rolas Perronas para que Bailen todos los Enamorados! Ademas estara alternando el Grupo mas pegajoso del Momento....Grupo Zafiro!! Norteńas y despues Cumbias!!

Stories Under the Stars with Mark Jungers and Brock Zeman

Join us for a special evening under the stars inside the Martindale Social Hall, featuring the musical storytelling talents of Mark Jungers and Brock Zeman! $10 at the door. BYOB, bring a chair... About Mark Jungers In life and in art, Mark Jungers is a reality dealer. A trailblazing Americana singer, songwriter and musician with By god sod busting roots, Jungers lays out the perils, the pitfalls and the pleasures of life in equal measure. Accompanied by a like-minded music-making crew, Jungers uses a mixture of country, folk, rock and more to get that reality across with soul, conviction and […]


Democratic Candidates Meet and Greet

Join us for a cocktail hour with the candidates at Commerce Gallery! You will hear from local candidates and be able to speak with them about their ideas for the county! Located at 102 S. Commerce St. in Lockhart, Texas.


Violet Lea Madam Radar in The Parlour at The Social

Violet Lea from Austin's very own Madam Radar, performing an all acoustic set of original music as well as her own twist on some favorite contemporary covers. Don't miss it, Lockhart!
