From the Editor


An open letter to Mr. John Castillo,

I was very grateful my mask hid my ear-to-ear smile as I sat behind you listening to your public comments at City Council on March 16. If it wasn’t completely unethical, I would have given you a high-five. A public thank you will have to do.

You are exactly right: the public DOES have a right to know what went on when many of our residents were left without water during the storm. GBRA SHOULD be brought in front of council to not only answer questions about their choices but be held accountable. How else are we supposed to ensure it doesn’t happen again?

As I reported in my Feb. 19 article “Water now flowing from Luling to Lockhart” the City of Luling has first rights to the water provided by GBRA. I filed a FOIA request with GBRA on Feb. 23 to obtain that contract but (not surprisingly) have heard nothing back.

I’ve also contacted two members of LCRA’s media team SIX times asking questions about how homes were chosen to be on the rolling blackouts. It wasn’t random. A plan was formed and executed. Not surprisingly, I’ve heard nothing back.

Any reporter worth their salt knows when you get stonewalled, you’re on the right track. I worried that with the power and water back on, I was the only one who still cared. I was pleasantly surprised to see others want answers too. I’ll do everything in my power to get them for you Mr. Castillo.  


Kristen Meriwether, Editor LPR

Kristen can be reached at or at 512-398-4886


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