From the Sidelines – Changing your attitude will change your life


The biggest change in our world has happened and it is a change of seismic proportions. For the first time in our country’s history, we have elected an African-American man to lead our nation.

Although many Americans from different faiths and religions, different races and skin colors and very different political ideologies welcome the change and are willing to give

the new president the benefit of the doubt, there are still some hold-outs who, for whatever reason, cannot accept the change.

Although many of us are willing to hold our collective breath in anticipation of the new direction the country will take, there are still plenty of unhappy people unwilling to embrace the change.

To those Americans, unwilling to embrace change under any circumstances, I wish you well and pray you too will come around sooner or later.

Norman Vincent Peale once said, “Change your thoughts and you change your world.” He was right, you know. All we have to do is change our thoughts and the rest will follow. If we are strong enough to change our thoughts, our attitudes and especially our behaviors will follow.

It sounds so simple to do. It sounds easy because it is. All we need to do is make a choice. Do you want to change? Then do it.

Do you like where you are in life, how you live it and what you feel and think about it? If not, change it. Change your situation by changing your thoughts.

Two weeks ago I wrote about making a choice to be happy. This week I want to let you all know that accepting change is a big part of being happy. Being willing and able to adapt is part of being happy.

I, for one, am optimistic about our country’s new direction. I am willing to give the new guy a try. I am ready to accept all the challenges that are coming our way, simply because I am willing to change my attitude. I am prepared to change my thoughts to change my world and, more importantly for me, I am changing my attitude to change my life… for the better.

Change is good and we are better because of it.


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