From the Sidelines – Save time and earn money with summer scholarship searches


By Alonzo Garza

For high school juniors moving on to the last year of their high school career, summer is the perfect time for scholarship research.
Like everything else that is worth the time and the effort, researching scholarship monies can be very rewarding.
Every year, millions of dollars worth of scholarship money is left

untouched, unclaimed and unused, simply because no one took the time to fill out a form and apply.
The hardest part of any endeavor is usually getting started. Such is the case with the scholarship application process.
The trick is to get at least one scholarship application completed correctly and sent on its way. Once the first application has been proofed, corrected and completely processed, all a student has to do is keep copies handy for the next scholarship application.
It is that simple. All the other countless applications will be much easier to fill out, because all the important information has been collected. All a student needs to do is transcribe the information neatly and correctly to the other forms and mail them out in a timely manner.
What better time than the summer break to take all the tedious, boring steps a student won’t want to do with the normal teenage distractions pulling them away from their scholarship search work when school begins.
It is work. It is time consuming. It is tedious, but it pays really well.
It takes an hour or two to fill out an application in its entirety. It should get easier the more scholarship applications get filled out.
If the scholarship award is worth $1,000 the student just made that much money in one hour! What if the award is worth $10,000 or $100,000?
That is an hour well spent and probably the most money a student will ever make in a lifetime for one hours worth of work.
Think about it. It pays to be prepared and it pays to be diligent and timely. Do what you can to get prepared for the coming year if you will be a senior in 2008-2009.
Invest some time in your future now. There will be plenty of time for fun in the sun when you get to college.
See you at the library.


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