
Furniture factory arrives in Lockhart


By LPR Staff

American Pew and Bench will soon be the newest resident of Lockhart Industrial Park. The upstart furniture company broke ground on Friday for their nearly-20,000 square foot manufacturing facility.
In their first year in Lockhart, American Pew and Bench plans to employ between 12 and 15 people, and invest nearly $1.4 mil

lion into buiding their facility and business.
At the well-attended groundbreaking ceremony on Friday morning, American Pew and Bench Senior Vice President Ferdie Luna committed the company and its employees to being active in the community, not only in business, but in civic arenas, as well.
American Pew and Bench is the third company to break ground in the Lockhart Industrial Park Phase II, located on Martin Luther King Industrial Blvd., between Highway 183 and FM 1322. Two other companies, Margarita’s Tortilla Factory and Northern Video Systems (occupying a building being constructed by the City of Lockhart, Lockhart Industrial Foundation and Lockhart Economic Development Corporation) are also moving toward occupying their buildings in the industrial park.
According to Economic Development Director Sandra Mauldin, most of the property located in Phase II of the Industrial Park is either committed or under negotiation. In coming months, she said, the citizens of Lockhart should see significant industrial development in the park soon.


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