Handmade Memories


By Adriana Hook


You did it! You made it through Thanksgiving, you are now ready for the big one…Christmas. After this Thanksgiving, it became very apparent that I’m getting older and time flies by faster. It made me appreciate the people that surround me that much more.

But instead of keeping it to myself, I made sure to tell them how special they are to me. No matter how many pictures are taken, none of them will catch the joy I feel in my heart as we all buzz about on a mission to create the greatest Holiday ever.

I also realized that some people need to be shown how much they are cared for and loved. This is something we Makers understand very well. When I make something, my hope is that the handmade gift will remind them of how meaningful they are every time they see or use that gift.

By now many of you know that there are people that just do not value handmade things. I ask you to not waste a moment taking it personally, gift cards are a great gift these days. But if those who have supported our hobbies, some call them addictions, ask for something you can make, I hope you will take the time to create another link in that legacy.

Each handmade gift is special, very few outside our circle understand how much time or skill it takes to complete an item. But they know that what they have is something extremely valuable. Not only do we create memories for the receiver, but we are also sharing our love in a way that they can touch and see every time they use their gift.

When I was a little girl, I was told that the things that matter most in life take the most time and effort. There is a lot of truth in that statement, not just because of sentimental reasons, there is something far more meaningful about something made by hand. It’s as if Makers keep the candle lit from one person to the next.

From a pile of scraps, a few tools, and the skill of the Maker the act of creation begins. From the first stitch to when the gift is opened, the Maker has added something bigger to the world. They have taken love and made it touchable, memorable. The Maker has created the beginning of a chain of love that the world can see and keep a little piece of it with them.

This week, I was reading about the 1930’s and all the things that were done by hand. Back then people worked together as a family and community because they believed in serving our country, but they also did it out of love.

They wanted to cushion the hardship of the war with a blanket, or alterations to make worn clothes look special, or making more of something to share with people they knew who were feeling the restrictions of the war far more than anyone else. Men and women alike, created a chain of service and support that turned into the kind of caring and love that our world needs so much now.

I hope that all of you enjoy reading this new column and will look forward to it every week. I can be reached at There will be news, tips and techniques for quilting, knitting/crochet, and embroidery. There is so much to share.


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