Here at the House – Where Washington fails, Texas succeeds!


By John Cyrier

If you ask most people their opinion of the U.S. Congress, chances are it is pretty low. Most surveys show the American public’s approval of congress at less than 20 percent. Not to be outdone, for the past two years, more of the American people have disapproved of President Obama’s job performance than approve.
Why are Americans so down on their federal

government? You could point to a host of reasons. Federal lawmakers have proven incapable of addressing a national debt that spirals out-of-control, surpassing $18 trillion. That’s right: trillion. While Washington remains in a stalemate, Obamacare has increased the cost of health insurance, and premiums are set to take another double-digit increase next year. Politicians talk tough about security problems on the border, but Washington has yet to address the problem. Time and again, Washington is long on talk but short on results.
It would be easy for me to pile on. But that isn’t why I brought this up. In this column, I want to share with you some good news about how Texas is succeeding in ways that Washington has let us down.
This past February, I was elected in a special election to serve as State Representative for District 17. Unlike the U.S. Congress, which meets nearly year round, the Texas Legislature meets only 140 days every other year. That means that Texas legislators have to get right down to business, draft the state budget, pass important laws that meet the state’s pressing challenges, and then go back home. That is exactly what we did.
Here are just a few of the accomplishments that we logged during the most recent 140-day Texas Legislature. We passed a state budget that holds spending below the rate of inflation and population growth, while also prioritizing additional funds for public schools, transportation, border security, and child protection. We identified $3.8 billion in tax cuts, including property tax relief and a franchise tax cut. We reformed the Department of Transportation and developed the nation’s strongest border security plan. We also passed new protections for religious freedom, the Second Amendment, and the right to life.
George W. Bush said it well, that government should do few things but do them well. That is exactly what we are striving for in Texas, and that is why Texas is so desirable for businesses to grow and people to raise their families.
Over the past several weeks, I have enjoyed sharing with many area civic groups about my experience in the legislature, the work that was accomplished, and how it impacts the communities in our district. My office is also continuing to work with our district’s county judges and commissioners to deliver recovery funds to rebuild from the Memorial Day floods.
While Washington may have you down, I am very enthusiastic about the future for Texas. In the coming weeks, I look forward to holding meet-and-greets throughout our district. In the meantime, please feel free to call me at (512) 463-0682 or send me an email at if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Rep. John Cyrier is serving his first term as State Representative for District 17, which includes Bastrop, Caldwell, Gonzales, Karnes, and Lee Counties.


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