Honoring the fallen on Memorial Day


By Wesley Gardner
LPR Editor

Memorial Day is less than a week away and celebrations will have to be a little different this year as people throughout the state are still grappling with COVID-19.
Normally, events are held and parades are attending to honor the brave men and women who have lost their lives while serving in the United States Armed Forces. While there won’t be any large-scale events in Caldwell County, residents can still take some time to pay their respects to these fallen heroes.
For Rick Johnson, adjutant at Henry T. Rainey American Legion Post 41 in Lockhart, Memorial Day is an important time to remember not only the brave soldiers who fell while serving their county, but all heroes who sacrifice their lives serving others.
“Every crisis has a new hero,” said Johnson. “During the 9/11 attacks, they were the first responders running into burning and crumbling buildings as others ran out.
“Now, during the coronavirus pandemic, the most visible heroes are the health care professionals who are saving the lives of others and risking their lives while doing so. These people have much in common with the people we honor [on Memorial Day] – America’s fallen veterans. They are men and women who have sacrificed their own lives to others could live.”
Johnson added that military also has heroes in every occupational field.
“Truck drivers, cook and administrative clerks have all paid the ultimate price,” said Johnson. “At sea, on land or in the air, military service requires great risk.
“Approximately one million men and women of the U.S. military have lost their lives in defense of our nation since the founding of this great republic.”
Johnson said that while Monday is dedicated to American’s fallen soldiers, we can also use it as an opportunity to anyone who’s sacrificed their life for the good of others.
“This Memorial Day, as we continue to honor those who fell for us in battle, let’s also pause to remember who have sacrificed their lives while serving others,” said Johnson.


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