JV Lions crush Mustangs 48-8


By Alonzo Garza

The Junior Varsity Lions closed out their 2008 season with a 9-1 record by defeating the Manor Mustangs 48-8 at Lion Field on Thursday, Nov. 6.

The Lions wasted little time getting on the scoreboard during the first quarter. Lockhart scored the first touchdown at 7:09 with a run by Dylan Messerly. The extra point kick was goo

d for a 7-0 score.

At 6:05, Jacob Huckaby made an interception for a first-and-ten at the 19-yard line. Nolan Lockhart drove the ball forward until he made the second Lion touchdown with a 5-yard run. The kick was no good for a 13-0 score.

Will Robinson’s kick went into the end zone for a first-and-ten at the 20-yard line for the Mustangs. Manor punted on a fourth down and the Lions took control of the ball at the 36-yard line with 1:59 remaining in the first.

The Lions fumbled the ball and Manor regained possession at the 42-yard line with 1:43 to go.

The Mustangs were also determined to get on the scoreboard in the first quarter. By 1:35 they had a first-and-ten at the 46-yard line. Manor scored a touchdown with a 44-yard pass and 24 seconds remaining, ending the first at 13-8.
Second quarter scoring began with an 8-yard touchdown run by Tony Moreno at 7:07. A successful two-point conversion by Messerly made the score 21-8.

A second touchdown by Messerly and successful extra point kick with 2:37 remaining ended the scoring in the first half at 28-8.

The second half began with fumbles from both teams. When the dust settled, it was Messerly who scored with a 41-yard touchdown run at 5:22 for a score of 34-8. The extra point kick went wide left.

At 3:01 Manor faked a punt and fumbled. The Lions recovered for a first-and-ten at the Mustang 33-yard line. The third ended at 34-8.

The fourth quarter began with an injured Mustang getting helped off the field at the top of the quarter.

At 8:51, the Lions were at the 10-yard line when Brooks Pittman ran in for a touchdown. The kick was good for a 41-8 score.

By 3:33 the Lions had a second down at the one-yard line. At 3:09, A.J. Green made the last Lion touchdown. The extra point kick was good for a final score of 48-8.


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