
Legal Notice – July 16, 2015: Lockhart and Caldwell County (Texas)




The Plum Creek Conservation District, Lockhart, Texas is requesting sealed bids from qualified, responsible bidders to construct the rehabilitation of Plum Creek Watershed Site 6 Floodwater Retarding Structure. Site 6 is located off

the intersection of Goforth Road and Bebee Road approximately 3.3 miles Northeast of Kyle, Hays County Texas.

Estimated Price Range: Between $5 and $10 million

The major items of work are (quantities are approximate):

Sediment Filters 1,600 LF; Vegetation-Sprigging 17.0 Acres; Excavation 85,000 CY; Earth Fill 49,200 CY All Zones; Drainfill 3,960 CY All Filters; Topsoil 22,000 SY; Lime Treated Base 1,100 CY; Furnishing and Handling Lime 60 Ton; Concrete Structural 6,980.9 CY; Concrete Pipe Cradle 76.5 CY; Reinforcing Steel 994,000Lbs.; Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe 42” I.D. 197.0 LF; Plastic Pipe-PVC 2,443 LF; Geotextile 2,500 SY; Rock Riprap 1,710 Ton; Metal Beam Guardrail 120 LF; Fencing Chain Link and Barbed Wire 2,250.0 LF; Box Culverts 277 LF; HMAC Type C&D 1,250 Ton; Flexible Base 1,915 CY; Asphalt Driveway 197 SY; Pavement Marking, Type I&II, 11,200 LF; Irrigation Water 3,462 1,000-Gal.; 1 Each lump sum item for Structure Removal, Pollution Control, Construction Surveys, Mobilization & Demobilization, Traffic Control, Removal of Water, Water Control Gate, Metal Fabrication, Contractor Quality Control, Terminal Anchor Section; Guardrail End Treatment, Irrigation System.

One award for all items will be made. Performance time is 518 calendar days. Plum Creek Conservation District reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. A 5 percent bid guarantee is required. The successful bidder will be required to furnish performance and payment bonds.

Invitation for Bids (IFB) documents will be available electronically beginning July 14, 2015. Complete IFB documents and a Plan Holders Registration Form / Terms & Conditions may be viewed and downloaded at no charge from the Plum Creek Conservation District website: and click on Job Bids tab and then IFB No. PCCD-15-PCW6-01. Contact Daniel Meyer (512) 398-2383 if you have problems downloading documents. No printed copies of the IFB will be distributed to interested parties, but a printed copy is available for viewing at the Plum Creek Conservation District office.

Bids will be received at Plum Creek Conservation District office, 1101 W. San Antonio Street, Lockhart, Texas 78644 until 10:00 a.m. local time August 11, 2015. Electronic, facsimile, and telegraphic bids will not be considered. A pre-bid conference and site showing will be held at 10:00 a.m. local time on July 28 beginning at the Plum Creek Conservation District office.



Application has been made with Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a wine & beer retailers license / permit by Lydia C. Serna

dba Lilly”s to be located at 109 W. Walnut Lockhart, Caldwell, Texas, County. Officers of said corporation Individual Lydia C Serna Owner.


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